
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

A good level of particpation for this short contest especially given the wind from Storm BRIAN!  A little bit of Sporadic Es put in an appearance, inevitably some benefitted while others missed out.  ODX was by  MM0CEZ with IS0BSR at 1947km.

The open section was won by G5PI/P (Ops G3UUT and G4NBS Cam-Hams 'A').

The single op fixed section battle was won this year by G4ODA beating M1MHZ into second place.

Overall Cambridge Hams 'A' take top spot with Bristol CG 'A' second, a repeat of the positions last year.

Congratulations to all mentioned, plus G0MJW who wins the highest scoring 25W/single antenna station, 2E0MDJ as the leading intermediate station and M6OME/P as the leading foundation station.

Mike Davies, G0KAD

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 17/18