
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

A very well supported contest again this year.  A few used MS to work extra multipliers and a few enjoyed some short but producutive SpE QSOs.  ODX for many was S59A with GW4MBS pipping all with a QSO of 1557km.

The Open section was won by M0WYB/P operated by M0MAT and G0BKU on behalf of Trowbridge & DARC.

The Single OP Fixed section won this year by G4ASR beating G4ODA into second place, down from 1st last year.

Overall Trowbridge & DARC leap from 16th last year to win while Cambridge Hams 'A' drop to 2nd.

Congratulations to all mentioned, plus M0ICR who wins the highest scoring 25W/single antenna station and 2E0OUT as the leading Intermediate station.

Mike Davies, G0KAD

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 18/19