
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

50MHz AFS 2020

Great activity as usual.  A few were blessed with a little Es giving extra multipliers however, there was not much MS to work. A lots of band noise was reported with comments varying depending on which part of the country you were in, flat to average seems to be the consensus. The N-S path was noticeably missing with many stations not working out of England.

ODX was with IZ5EME and several stations making QSOs.  A few scores were lost to operators assuming locators from previous contests or even possibly from QRZ.com.  The adjudication process is very effective at catching these. It is worthwhile taking a few minutes to check your log before final submission for some of the more obvious errors - while some could be put down to QSB, others were obvious transcription mistakes.

Once again, can we remind stations to observe the RSGB band plan (Rule 1c) as comments on this were received.

The General Club section was won by the Weekend Contest Group with Drowned Rats RG 'A' coming second. The larger Local Club section was won by Camb-Hams `A' with Grimsby ARS `A' in second place.

Individual Scores

The Open section was won by Antony G7LRQ/P from Drowned Rats RG 'A'.

The Single OP Fixed section was won this year by Fred G4BWP from Camb Hams 'A'.

Congratulations to all mentioned, plus:

 G4HGI who wins the highest scoring 25W/single antenna station.

 2E0FTU as the leading Intermediate station in Single Operator 'Other' station.

 M7PAT as the leading Foundation station in the Single Operator 'Other' station.

 2E0NEY as leading Intermediate Single Operating 'Fixed' station.

Tom Melvin GM8MJV

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 20/21