
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz AFS Contest 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

50MHz AFS 2021

There was a good level of activity as usual, however, conditions were not that great, generally described as poor to average.  A few stations were blessed with a little Es in the last hour into Poland. This gave those stations extra multipliers, however, there was not much MS to work. A lot of band noise was reported with comments varying depending on which part of the country you were in. The N-S path was noticeably missing with many stations not working out of England.

ODX was with S51DI at just under 1600 Kms, SP9HWY also just under 1600 Kms was worked my several stations.

The General Club section was won by the Addiscombe ARC 'A' with Harwell ARS coming second. The larger Local Club section was won again by Camb-Hams `A' with Grimsby ARS `A' in second place again.

Individual certificates are shown below, well done to everyone who took part.

Tom Melvin GM8MJV

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 21/22