
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz MGMAC 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

50MHz MGMAC 2019

The results of the December 50MHz MGMAC are presented below.

Annual Summary

Participation levels have been low during much of the year so for 2020 there will be a new 50/144MHz MGMAC taking place on the 5th Tuesday of the month from 2000-2230 local time.

16 entries were received during the year for the AL section, with January the best supported session. The AR section saw 34 different stations submit a log, with February  the best session. AO had 12 entrants with the best sessions being January and February. There was a clear trend of declining participation as the year progressed.

Winner of the Open Section was Gordon, GI6ATZ, with David GI4SNA in the runner up slot.

In the Restricted Section Paul G3YDY was active in all but two sessions to amass a winning score, with Malcolm G3ZNU in second place. Andy 2E0VPX gains a certificate as the leading intermediate station.

The Low Power Section was won by Andrew M6VUK, who was also the leading Foundation entrant, with Tom M1EYP/P in the runner up position.

Congratulations to all those listed, who receive certificates.

John G3XDY

50MHz MGMAC 2019
Section AO
Pos Cert
1GI6ATZ 1,000 1,000 1,000 667 1,000 1,000 5,667
2GI4SNA1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4,000
3ON4FI 250 500 333 500 333 333 2,249
4M5SB 750 500 1,250
5GS8VL 1,000 1,000
6G4ASR750 750
7GM8IEM 667 667
7GM8MJV 667 667
9G3PXT500 500
9G6RC 500 500
9M0VSE 500 500
12G4ZVB250 250
Section AR
Pos Cert
1G3YDY 938 1,000 1,000 1,000 429 333 1,000 1,000 833 1,000 7,771
2G3ZNU714 875 571 875 857 667 833 800 333 6,192
3G8EEM857 813 857 600 375 714 500 1,000 667 6,008
4M0IEP929 750 714 800 750 3,943
5G7NUC 63 100 125 143 1,000 667 571 333 3,002
6G4APJ786 500 400 500 571 167 2,924
7G4HGI1,000 625 714 2,339
8G8HGN 429 700 286 667 2,082
9G4OBK 1,000 900 1,900
10G0MDR 857 1,000 1,857
112E0VPX571 563 500 1,634
12G4NBS 1,000 1,000
13G0GJV71 250 143 200 250 914
14G3VGG 688 688
15G0LGS643 643
16G4CRF 625 625
17G4LPP 600 600
18G3WAG286 286 572
19G0EHG357 188 545
20G3TDH 500 500
20G4AQB500 500
22M0NZO 438 438
232E0FNU 429 429
23G3RKF429 429
25G7ENA 125 300 425
26M0IHY 400 400
27M0GXZ 375 375
28ON7DQ 333 333
29G6GEI 313 313
30G3VDB 286 286
31G3WJG214 214
32G0DJA 200 200
33M0ZKK 167 167
34G3CO143 143
34G8EOP 143 143
Section AL
Pos Cert
1M6VUK 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 7,250
2M1EYP/P 800 1,000 1,000 333 1,000 1,000 5,133
3M0ICR1,000 1,000 2,000
4G0LRD714 400 500 1,614
5G0FCT857 500 1,357
6G0GJV 500 250 500 1,250
7G8NRY571 600 1,171
8GM4JIB 667 667
8G8XYJ 667 667
10G0DJA 500 500
10M7PWR/P 500 500
122E0DGP429 429
13G3TQF 333 333
14G4BEE286 286
15G3WJG 200 200
16G0GRI143 143