
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz MGMAC 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

December 2020 and Overall 50MHz MGMAC Results

Conditions in the first half of this session were unremarkable, but a late Sporadic E opening to SE Europe rewarded most of the contestants with some nice DX.

In the overall results for 2020 we have the unusual situation where four stations tied with each other for first place, each winning the only session they entered. Congratulations go to G3TXF, G4ASR, G4PLZ and GM6NX as joint winners of the AO section.

In the AR section G3YDY was the clear overall winner with two session wins and two second places. G0LGS was runner up.

M1EYP(/P) won the AL section with two session wins and a second place. G3TQF and M7REV took the runners up spot with a session win each, the latter also taking the leading Foundation station award.

F4HRD wins the leading overseas entrant award, and 2E0IEI the leading Intermediate award.

Congratulations to all the certificate winners.

In 2021 the focus for MGM events will be the monthly 2m FT8 sessions, but 50MHz is included in the MGM contest in August 2021 .


John G3XDY

50MHz MGMAC 2020
Section AO
Pos Cert
1G3TXF 1,000 1,000
1G4ASR1,000 1,000
1G4PLZ 1,000 1,000
1GM6NX 1,000 1,000
5GM8MJV333 500 833
5MM0CEZ833 833
7G0DJA 666 666
7MM5DWW666 666
9G3WVG 500 500
9M0AHN500 500
11G0XDI 333 333
12M0KEP166 166
Section AR
Pos Cert
1G8BGV1,000 916 1,000 916 3,832
2G0LGS923 750 600 500 2,773
3G3WJG 833 900 833 2,566
4M0IEP846 500 700 2,046
5F4HRD 583 1,000 1,583
6G4APJ615 83 400 416 1,514
7G0GJV230 333 100 666 1,329
8G8EEM 500 750 1,250
9G4GUG 800 333 1,133
10OK1HZ 1,000 1,000
11G0CER769 166 935
12G0RMG692 692
13M0XAC 666 666
14G4FFY 583 583
15G3TDH538 538
16G8DLX461 461
17G3RLE 416 416
18G0UWS384 384
192E0IEI 300 83 383
20G0BIX 200 166 366
21M0SSN307 307
22G4NBS 250 250
22M0XTY 250 250
24GM4JYB153 153
25M0OYH76 76
G8HGN 0 0
Section AL
Pos Cert
1M1EYP(/P)750 1,000 1,000 2,750
2G3TQF1,000 1,000
2M7REV 1,000 1,000
4G8HXE500 500
5G3WJG250 250