
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz UKAC 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

50MHz UKAC 2017

The results of the December  50MHz UKAC are presented below.  The Geminids meteor shower added an extra challenge in this event, slick operating by some of the leading stations resulted in over half their score coming from MS contacts, mostly using JT6M but with some SSB MS as well. One exchange on the ON4KST chat was found to be in breach of General Rule 4i, both ends lost the QSO points as a result.

Compared to 2016, numbers of stations entering are down 12.5% this year, ranging from a low of 117 logs in December to a high of 187 in February, versus a range of 181 to 220 last year. This is probably due to the change of day for the 50MHz events. The numbers entering the AO section have increased, with a small reduction in AR and a reduction of nearly a third in AL. An increase in noise levels on the band may be driving more stations to enter the higher power sections.

The 807 ARO group are the winners of the General Club section by a large margin. The GMDX group takes the runner-up position, demoting last year's winners Travelling Wave CG down to third. In the Local Club section, Hereford Amateur Radio Society won  a closely fought battle with Sheffield & District Wireless Society, with Worksop Amateur Radio Society in third place.

Turning to the individual sections, the Open section was won overall by GI4SNA who also led each of the nine sessions he entered. Runner up was G4ASR, with M1MHZ third, both won one session each and scored highly in the others.

In  the Restricted Section G4CLA also achieved the maximum possible score from eight session wins, but runner up G1YBB/P was close on his heels and had two session wins. Third place was taken by G4FZN/P. 2E0DGP receives a certificate as leading Intermediate entrant in this section.

The AL section saw M0MDY take the top spot, with five session wins. G(W)0EAK/P was the runner up with three session wins and the highest placed Intermediate station 2E0RET/P took third place overall on a close result. M6KMB receives a certificate as the highest placed foundation class entrant. M6CUG/A receives a special award as a young operator under 18.

Congratulations to all those listed, who receive certificates.

The first 50MHz UKAC of 2018 takes place on Thursday 11th January at 20:00 GMT.

John G3XDY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC