
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz UKAC 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

50MHz UKAC 2018

The results of the December  50MHz UKAC are presented below.  As last year the coincidence of this event with the Geminids meteor shower made for a good number of MS contacts, including SSB and CW as well as MGM, often completed very quickly with strong signals.

Annual Summary

Looking at the number of logs received, this year was broadly comparable with 2017 with the numbers received ranging from 131 in August to 185 in May, versus a range of 117 to 187 last year. The numbers entering the AO and AR section have decreased, but the AL entry level has recovered from the lower level seen last year. The total number of entries is comparable at 424 versus 435.

The 807 ARO group repeated their leading position in the General Club section by a substantial margin, with the Drowned Rats RG taking the runner up slot, and Spalding moving into third spot after a close fought battle.

Hereford Amateur Radio Society repeated their victory again this year in the Local club section, with an increased margin over 93CG in second place, followed by Worksop Amateur Radio Society in third place.

The AO section winner was David G4ASR, with the other David, GI4SNA, in runner up position this year after a very close tussle at the top of the table with just 20 points separating them. As last year Bob M1MHZ takes third place.

In  the AR Section Pete G4CLA achieved the maximum possible score from nine session wins, with runners up Chris and Pauline operating G4FZN/P. Third place went to Andy M0GAV/P. James 2E0OUT receives a certificate as leading Intermediate entrant in this section.

Steve G1YBB/P moved to the AL section after the February session and then went on to take the top slot with seven session wins. As last year Steve G(W)0EAK/P was the runner up with three session wins. Nigel G0GDA was the third placed station. The highest placed intermediate station was John 2E0DXK(/A/P).  Mary  M6KMB receives a certificate as the highest placed foundation class entrant.

An award for the station providing the most entrants with their best DX has been introduced this year, and goes to David GI4SNA, who was best DX on 266 occasions.

Congratulations to all those listed, who receive certificates.

The first 50MHz UKAC of 2019 takes place on Thursday 10th January at 20:00 GMT.

John G3XDY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC