
RSGB Contest Results 50MHz UKAC 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

50MHz UKAC 2021

The results of the December 50MHz UKAC are presented below. Meteor scatter propagation was good but tropo poor for this event, activity was about normal.

Annual Summary

After last year's lockdowns this year showed a degree of return to normality, so entries dropped somewhat as other attractions diluted activity a little. The number of logs received ranged from 147 in December to a peak of 220 in May and June. A total of 470 stations sent in entries this year, down from 516 in 2020.

The Northern Fells Group has displaced 807 as winners of the General Club section this year with about a 10% margin of victory. Wirral and District ARC drop down to third place this year.

In the Local club section Hereford Amateur Radio Society again ran out winners by a large margin.  Milton Keynes ARS move into the runners up slot this year, with Tall Trees moving to third place.

David GI4SNA held off strong competition from David G4ASR to take the leading place in AO section, with Chris & Pauline G4FZN(/P) in third place this year. Awards for the leading intermediate and overseas stations go to John 2E0JPO and John 5B4AAB.

In the AR section Pete G4CLA once again leads the field with a commanding performance winning eight of the ten sessions he entered. As last year Keith G4ODA was close behind, and Dave G3TBK repeated third place. Leading intermediate station was Darrell 2E0VCC/P, with Philippe F1CBC the leading overseas station.

Steve G1YBB wins the AL section this year with Tony G8DMU(/P) in second place. Andrea M0LLW took third place. year. Donna M7DON takes the award for the highest placed Foundation entrant, with Mark 2E0SBM the highest place Intermediate entrant. Special mention goes to under 18 entrant Oscar M7OJA.

The station providing the most entrants with their best DX was GI4SNA, who was best DX on 266 occasions.

Congratulations to all those listed, who receive certificates.

The first 50MHz UKAC of 2022 takes place on Thursday 13th January at 20:00 GMT.

John G3XDY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC