
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz AFS Contest 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA

There has been a significant increase in activity in this contest over the past couple of years, there were 81 entries and 185 active stations in the contest this year, compared to only 24 entries and 63 active stations in 2018.  This year's contest took place during the Covid-19 social distancing rules, so only single operator entries were allowed. Congratulation to all the certificate winners, in particular to Allan GM4ZUK/P whose score was well ahead of everyone else and also whose log was error free.

Certificates go to:-

  • Overall Winners of the Local Club Section - Camb-Hams 'A'
  • Overall Runners-up in the Local Club Section Grimsby ARS
  • Overall Winners of the General Club Section - Addiscombe ARC
  • Overall Runners-up in the General Club Section - Weekend CG.
  • Winner of the SF Section - Nick, G4KUX
  • Runners-up in the SF Section - Fred, G4BWP
  • Highest Placed non-UK entry in the SF Section - Frank PE1EWR
  • Highest Placed 25W entry in the SF Section - Richard, G4HWI
  • Highest Placed Intermediate Licensee in the SF Section - Chris, 2E0YYB
  • Highest Placed Foundation Licensee in the SF Section Pat, M7PAT
  • Winner of the SO Section - Allan GM4ZUK/P
  • Runner-up in the SO Section - Nick M1DDD/P
  • Highest Placed Intermediate Licensee in the SO Section - Stefano, 2E0FNU
  • Highest Placed Foundation Licensee in the SO Section - Donna, M7DON/P

Pete, G4CLA

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 20/21