
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz AFS Contest 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

After the big jump in entries for the 2020 event, entries for this year's contest seems to have returned to non-lockdown levels. Nine clubs entered the General Club section and 20 teams entered the Local Club Section, as usual all club scores will be carried over to the AFS Superleague results. Conditions were described as 'Flat', 'Poor' and 'Below Average' with very little DX worked.

Certificates go to:-

  • Overall Winners of the Local Club Section - Grimsby ARS `A'
  • Overall Runners-up in the Local Club Section - Camb-Hams
  • Overall Winners of the General Club Section - Addiscombe ARC
  • Overall Runners-up in the General Club Section - Harwell ARS
  • Winner of the SF Section - Dave, G7RAU
  • Runner-up in the SF Section - Keith, G4ODA
  • Highest Placed 25W entry in the SF Section - Les, G3ZUD
  • Highest Placed Intermediate Licensee in the SF Section - James, 2E0OUT
  • Highest Placed Foundation Licensee in the SF Section, Ben M7TXR
  • Winner of the Open Section - Nick M1DDD/P
  • Runner-up in the Open Section - Colin G4CWH/P
  • Highest Placed Intermediate Licensee in the Open Section - Steven, 2W0PUT/P
  • Highest Placed Foundation Licensee in the Open Section - Pat, M7PAT/P

Pete, G4CLA

This contest is part of the following contest series AFS Superleague 21/22