
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA

This contest series continues to enjoy a good level of support, with a total of 76 stations taking part this year, slightly up on last year. Unlike last year, there was no sporadic E in any of the sessions.

Only the best 3 scores count towards the final total for these cumulatives, so it is possible to have a good overall score even if you can't be QRV for all the sessions.

In the Open section there was a close run battle between Chris, G4FZN/P in the NE of England and Tiverton (SW) RC, G4TSW located in the SW. Both stations entered all five events, but after the 4th leg Chris had managed to win 3 of them and secured an unbeatable 3000 points to claim 1st place.

In the Single Operator Fixed Station section, it was G4ASR and G4ZTR, who interestingly are also located on opposite sides of England, G4ASR to the west and G4ZTR to the east, that fought it out for top spot. Between them these two stations won 4 of the 5 events, two a piece. But it was Dave, G4ASR who won the deciding final event and takes 1st place from John G4ZTR.

Other certificates winners are, in the Open section, Brian 2E0HRO (leading intermediate licensee), Phil M6SRZ (leading foundation licensee) and in the SF section, David, G8LZE (leading 25w single antenna station) and Pete 2E0NEY (leading intermediate station).

Congratulations to all the certificate winners and good luck for  next years cumulatives.

Pete, G4CLA.

70MHz Cumulatives # 2013
Section O
Pos Cert
1G4FZN/P1,000 697 1,000 1,000 743 3,000
2G4TSW845 1,000 932 906 1,000 2,932
3G4RFR798 796 791 742 785 2,385
4G0EHV/P765 761 716 671 674 2,242
5G8CUL435 426 440 1,301
6G3WKZ/P445 411 352 1,208
7GW0IRW/P414 352 416 1,182
8G7NBE/P227 195 245 193 667
92(EW)0HRO/P120 248 237 605
10M6SRZ/P 224 231 455
11GW3TKH/P305 305
12G4HHJ/A 185 185
13GM4DIJ 173 173
14G8PNN/P 157 157
15G4FKI/P 150 150
16G3TQF/P 112 112
Section SF
Pos Cert
1G4ASR1,000 1,000 994 2,994
2G4ZTR825 764 1,000 877 1,000 2,877
3G3MXH849 625 941 2,415
4G4NOK188 369 235 1,000 827 2,196
5G3TCT670 634 598 736 2,040
6G3NPI428 599 879 1,906
7G3TCU 707 490 659 527 1,893
8GW4RWR539 635 589 142 558 1,782
9GM4JR501 582 685 505 1,772
10GW8ASD448 505 407 680 513 1,698
11M0SAT349 379 310 1,038
12G1SWH452 526 978
13G8LZE294 274 329 350 246 973
14G8MIA237 269 298 400 967
15GW4WND464 432 896
16G8BUN267 264 336 867
17G7LRQ206 241 306 293 840
18G4SJH233 313 291 837
19G8EOP262 286 173 183 731
20G3TDH 123 382 217 722
21G4BVY165 231 299 695
22G4RQI371 317 688
23G4RYV219 181 251 211 681
24G8FMC252 362 614
25G4VPD473 473
262E0NEY 461 461
26G3OVH 201 260 461
28G7RAU 460 460
29G8ONK163 295 458
30G4CLB128 143 180 451
31GU6EFB130 269 399
32G4BRK323 42 365
33GM4IGS 347 347
34G0VOK64 142 56 133 339
35G4JED 155 176 331
35M0EMM 331 331
37G8MCA 320 320
38G8DTF 283 283
39GM4DIJ69 177 20 266
40G8CLY59 175 234
41GW3TKH 209 209
42M0WAF 207 207
43M5MUF 204 204
44G3UUT 186 186
45G4HGI 35 106 141
46GD1MIP27 103 130
47G6UW126 126
48M0PCB67 39 106
49G3VYI 57 29 86
50G4FKI77 77
51M0BTZ 76 76
522E0HRO 73 73
53G3YDY 60 60
54G8HGN 30 30
55G8CYW24 24
56G0VOF 17 17
57G3UVR13 13
58G4WMZ9 9
59G4YUP 7 7
60G7AGI4 4