
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Entries for this year’s 4m cumulatives were once again up on the previous year, with 81 entries.
The March session was the most popular with 117 stations active in 26 squares.
2014 has been a poor year for sporadic E and there were no Es opening during any of the sessions this year.

Only the best 3 scores count towards the final total for these cumulatives, so it is possible to have a good overall score even if you can't be QRV for all the sessions.

This year the Open section was won by last year’s runners-up, the Tiverton (SW) Radio Club, G4TSW operating from their site situated on a hilltop west of Tiverton in Devon.  Winning three of the sessions they scored the maximum 3000 points.  Chris Kirby, operating G4FZN/P from the North Yorkshire Moors was in second place.

The SF section has two 4m specialist at the top of the table. David Butler, G4ASR won the SF section for the 4th year running, winning all 5 sessions, quite an achievement.   John Lemay, G4ZTR is in second place, for the 5th year running.

Other certificates winners are, in the SF section, David G8LZE (leading 25w single antenna station), Pete 2E0NEY (leading intermediate station) and Rees M6GZE (leading Foundation station).

Congratulations to all the certificate winners and good luck for next year’s cumulatives.

Pete Lindsay, G4CLA.

70MHz Cumulatives # 2014
Section O
Pos Cert
1G4TSW1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G4FZN/P716 706 833 810 2,359
3G4RFR 666 369 467 1,502
4G4WLC/P195 200 220 1,000 1,420
5G0EHV/P 573 596 1,169
6GM6MD/P 1,000 1,000
7G8CUL479 447 926
8G7NBE/P121 158 175 95 356 689
9M1DDD/P654 654
10M0TAZ/P 371 371
11G4VFL/P 292 292
12G6MXL/P 265 265
13M0PCB/P204 204
14G3WKZ/P 183 183
15GW8EOP/P 40 40
16G1ORC/P 30 30
Section SF
Pos Cert
1G4ASR1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G4ZTR886 624 799 897 2,582
3G3MXH890 711 742 2,343
4G3NPI452 503 515 701 736 1,952
5GW8ASD367 517 306 394 333 1,278
6G4NOK640 612 1,252
7G3TCU 428 335 464 1,227
8G4RQI293 302 293 524 392 1,218
9G8BUN296 376 361 467 220 1,204
10M0WYB203 409 440 1,052
11GM4JR 327 172 254 456 1,037
12G3TCT 513 445 958
13GW4WND 933 933
14G8LZE256 213 152 243 240 739
15G3MEH 696 696
16G7LRQ 224 210 242 676
17G4SJH273 199 146 618
18G4RYV223 180 214 617
19GM4IGS 336 96 147 579
20GW0GEI94 209 262 565
21G3OVH203 291 494
22G8EOP158 102 123 122 403
23G0NFH402 402
24G3TDH192 202 394
25G8MCA 197 184 381
26M0SAT 236 131 367
27G3UVR 153 206 359
28G4CLB121 116 96 63 120 357
29GM4DIJ166 132 58 356
30G8ONK 328 328
31GW4RWR 304 304
32G6GVI 132 170 302
33G8HGN 156 137 293
34G1EHF 278 278
35G4JED 129 141 270
36M0BTZ 81 59 129 269
372E0NEY202 61 263
38G4VPD 140 116 256
39GW4EVX 249 249
40G0VOK104 83 58 245
41M0PXM 135 98 233
42G4HGI 230 230
43G8FMC 217 217
44GW4HBK 190 190
45M0CES 44 137 181
46G8CLY 153 153
47G0RAF 134 134
482E0NNX 127 127
49GD1MIP 64 57 121
50MM0GPZ 119 119
51G0VJG 103 103
52G4DDL 95 95
532E0TBO 94 94
542E0BMG 91 91
55G4VFL 72 72
56M0ICR 68 68
57M6GZE 65 65
58G3YDY 62 62
59G0FCU 61 61
60G3NKS54 54
61G4YUP46 46
62M0KSJ 42 42
63G8BXC 39 39
64G4CFP 21 21
65G4SDL 16 16