
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2015   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Entries for this year"s cumulatives were once again up on the previous year, with 87 entries. The May session was the most popular with 129 stations active in 27 squares.

Sporadic E was a little better this year, with QSOs taking place in the August and May sessions. There were 15 Es QSOs, 7 of which were over a distance of greater 2000Kms, the best of which was between G4TSW and 9H1XT at 2206Kms. There were 10 non Es QSOs over 600Kms most of which were QSOs with either GM3WOJ or PA4VHF. The best was 729KMs between G4TSW and PA4VHF

The winners of this year"s Open section are the Tiverton (SW) Radio Club, G4TSW. They scored a maximum of 3000 points having won 3 of the sessions.  Chris Kirby, operating G4FZN/P was in second place.

The winners of the SF section, for the 5th year in a row, is David Butler, G4ASR .  In second place this year is John Quarmby G3XDY.

Other certificate winners are, in the SF section, Julian Cope G4YHF (leading 25w single antenna station) and Roger Rimmer 2E0BMO (leading intermediate station).

Congratulations to all the certificate winners and good luck for next year"s cumulatives.

Pete LindsayG4CLA.

70MHz Cumulatives # 2015
Section O
Pos Cert
1G4TSW863 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G4FZN/P1,000 768 698 698 2,466
3G0EHV/P 734 415 531 525 1,790
4G4RFR 572 450 1,022
5G8SFI/P 1,000 1,000
6M0WXB/P463 517 980
7G8CUL 472 467 939
8G0HEL/P247 496 743
9G8PNN/P 183 379 562
10M0CES/P 418 418
11G0EAK/P266 135 401
12GW0IRW/P 394 394
13M0UKD/P 385 385
14M0ICK/P 328 328
15G7LAS/P 250 250
16G4GFI/P 231 231
17G0LRD/P 152 152
18M6GZE/P144 144
19G(W)4JQP/P 72 23 18 113
20G8ASD/P 74 74
21GM4VKI/P 8 8
Section SF
Pos Cert
1G4ASR1,000 1,000 673 1,000 3,000
2G3XDY630 621 1,000 2,251
3G4BWP 469 1,000 534 2,003
4G7RAU514 758 657 1,929
5G3NPI580 542 515 535 805 1,927
6GW8ASD393 555 328 649 1,597
7G3UVR216 498 302 706 1,506
8G1SWH450 629 360 189 367 1,446
9G3TCT 551 320 495 1,366
10M0SAT 391 258 471 459 1,321
11GM4JR299 410 239 541 1,250
12G4YHF 332 396 471 1,199
13G4RQI384 412 289 397 1,193
14M0WYB278 562 232 1,072
15G8REQ274 403 222 281 341 1,025
16G3TCU 499 396 895
17G4SJH254 194 430 878
18G8MCA259 259 304 822
19G8LZE196 308 170 244 88 748
20GW4EVX262 484 746
21G3MXH 718 718
22G8BUN332 383 715
23GM4IGS354 188 134 676
24G8EOP256 381 637
25G3OVH 179 253 177 609
26GW0GEI 264 310 574
272E0BMO194 218 120 131 543
28GW4HBK138 176 158 472
29G4FKK169 275 444
302E0NEY 408 408
30G3PHO183 82 143 408
32G8HGN47 35 61 145 196 402
33G8XVJ 277 114 391
34GU6EFB 380 380
35G4JED 126 155 90 371
36G4CLB138 110 118 73 366
36GW4RWR 49 317 366
38G4HGI112 233 345
39G4RYV109 117 117 343
40G4CLA 317 317
41G8DOH 298 298
42GM4DIJ69 154 67 290
43G3TDH 260 260
44G4BAO 225 225
45G0VOK114 100 214
46G4NBS 188 188
47GW5NF 173 173
48M0WXB 169 169
49G4YPC 159 159
50GD1MIP 80 60 140
51G3YDY 128 128
52G4BRK 126 126
53G0CER 125 125
54GW0IRW 124 124
55G4VFL 111 111
56G4LHT 29 76 105
57G8XYJ 98 98
58G4APJ2 16 58 76
59M0NVS 68 68
60G5TO/A66 66
61G3ORX 19 29 48
62G3ZOD 41 41
63G8ONK 33 33
64G1DFL 24 24
65M0COP20 20
66G4HFU10 10