
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

Entry numbers for this year's cumulatives remained steady with 88 entries. The May session was the most popular with 131 stations active in 32 squares.

The number of Es QSOs was 15,  the same number as last year, the best of which was between G4BWP and YO8RHI at 2017Kms.

The winners of this year's Open section is G4FZN/P, operated by Chris G4FZN and  Pauline G8HQW. They scored 2944 from 3 sessions, winning 2 of them.  Eddie G0EHV/P was in second place. Sue M6XAK/P wins a certificate for the highest placed Foundation Licensee.

The winner of the SF section this year is Fred, G4BWP, who scored a maximum of 3,000 points by virtue of winning 4 sessions,  dropping 5 time previous winner David G4ASR into second place.   Other certificate winners  in the SF section were,  David G8LZE leading 25w single antenna station, Robert SP8SN leading non UK station and another certificate for Sue M6XAK as leading Foundation Licensee.

Congratulations to all the certificate winners and good luck for next year's cumulatives.

Pete LindsayG4CLA.

70MHz Cumulatives # 2016
Section O
Pos Cert
1G4FZN/P 944 1,000 1,000 2,944
2G0EHV/P 726 780 553 1,000 2,506
3G4RFR1,000 599 612 427 509 2,211
4G8SFI/P 1,000 1,000
5GW4FRE/P 741 741
6M0ICK/P 474 474
7G0EAK/P 336 109 445
8GW4JQP/P223 110 37 55 388
9M0PCF/P 264 264
10G3NKS/P 156 156
11MW0XOT/P 66 66
12M6XAK/P 65 65
13M6ZCJ/P 47 47
14G1PPA/P 38 38
152E0DKY 30 30
Section SF
Pos Cert
1G4BWP1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G4ASR964 567 863 2,394
3G3NPI497 349 363 952 601 2,050
4GM4JR283 373 98 1,000 1,656
5GW0GEI341 207 782 528 1,651
6GW8ASD410 447 213 475 464 1,386
7G3TCT549 428 381 1,358
8M0SAT 395 259 329 349 1,073
9G8LZE240 195 115 495 277 1,012
10GM4VVX252 53 671 26 976
11G0HEL295 418 125 262 975
12G3TCU 159 267 435 861
13G8DOH 506 322 828
14G3UKV492 332 824
15G3OVH276 269 222 767
16G8REQ245 296 182 723
17M0OMB 189 494 683
18GU6EFB 397 248 645
19G4FKK257 187 155 599
20G4CRF165 200 78 208 573
21G3MXH 543 543
22G8FMC179 191 155 525
23G3TDH 101 211 211 523
24GM4DIJ140 147 219 506
25G8EOP173 175 124 152 500
26G3XDY 486 486
27GW4HBK 271 199 470
28G4IDF 70 228 167 465
29G4RYV153 140 167 460
30G3UVR 179 279 458
31G4GFI 279 145 424
32G8BUN 392 392
33G4VFL 103 270 373
34G3SQQ 334 334
34G4SJH 131 203 334
36M1BXF 332 332
37G4YHF 325 325
38G1PPA63 109 142 314
39G1DFL175 69 64 53 308
40GW4EVX 296 296
41G4HGI 280 280
42M0CGL 272 272
43G3LVP 263 263
44G4APJ158 98 256
45GD3YEO 200 200
46G4LHT58 42 80 180
47G3RIR32 133 165
48G4LDR162 162
#1SP8SN 154 154
49G8EEM21 24 94 32 150
50G0TCD 34 29 16 82 145
51G0VFW 125 125
52M6XAK 84 84
53G6TGO 82 82
54M0COP63 18 81
55GW4BVE 77 77
56M0KSJ 71 71
57G0CZR 70 70
58G8XYJ 68 68
59G0GRI64 64
60G4CLB 63 63
61G4JED 62 62
62G4BAO54 54
62M5DWI 54 54
64G0VOK 53 53
65G4DDL 50 50
66GM4IGS38 38
67M1CJE 33 33
68G0LRD29 29
69M0MTC23 23
70G8ONK 19 19
71G8GNI 15 15
72G0EUN 11 11