
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

The number of entries for this year's Cumulatives (102) was 15% higher than last year.  Unusually, the first session, in February, was the most popular with 123 stations active in 21 squares.

Despite the extra competition, the top-placed winners and runners up in both sections were a repeat of last year.

The winner of the Open section was G4FZN/P, operated by Chris G4FZN and Pauline G8HQW. Eddie, G0EHV/P was in second place.

In the SF section, Fred, G4BWP, once again topped the table with a maximum score of 3,000 points followed closely by David G4ASR in second place but only 63 points behind. David, G8LZE once again won the certificate in this section as the leading 25w single antenna station in every session.

Other certificate winners in the SF section were Conrad, PA5Y leading non UK station, Pete, 2E0NEY as the leading Intermediate licence holder and Jay, M6JIJ as leading Foundation Licensee.

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck for next year's Cumulatives.

Graham Coomber


70MHz Cumulatives # 2017
Section O
Pos Cert
1G4FZN/P1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G0EHV/P 733 853 767 751 2,371
3G4HGT/P645 632 1,000 654 2,299
4G4SJH/P683 571 798 2,052
5G4RFR524 442 459 528 275 1,511
6G3WCB/P297 315 400 375 380 1,155
7G8SFI/P 1,000 1,000
8G1PPA/P 410 535 945
9M0WCO/P 871 871
10G0EAK/P315 371 686
11G0HEL/P556 556
12M0TAZ/P 537 537
13GW4JQP/P98 108 301 507
14M0ICR/P 492 492
15M0SNB 427 427
16G(W)4FZM/P132 55 148 335
17M0HYX/P141 141
18G4BEE/P 75 75
19M0WAF/P 70 70
Section SF
Pos Cert
1G4BWP 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G4ASR1,000 1,000 859 735 937 2,937
3G3MXH977 943 680 2,600
#1PA5Y561 745 843 2,149
4G3TCT687 538 562 1,787
5G4YHF269 466 509 685 1,660
6G3NPI608 479 386 492 1,579
7GW8ASD395 533 636 363 355 1,564
8GW4BVE535 538 450 1,523
9GM4JJJ507 675 107 1,289
10G3MEH628 652 1,280
11G4HGI336 349 255 940
12M0SAT 519 310 829
13G4GFI 310 257 261 828
14G7LRQ539 267 806
15G8LZE71 290 291 220 200 801
16G4BRK 490 300 790
17GW0GEI519 253 772
18GU6EFB479 232 711
19G3OVH281 210 174 665
20G8FUO104 96 207 244 193 644
21G8MCA332 299 631
22GM4VVX 142 292 162 596
23GM4DIJ(/A)226 241 6 96 563
24G0ODQ533 533
25G0CER205 123 138 188 531
26G4IDF207 304 511
27G0HEL 482 482
28G8EOP212 188 79 479
29G5UM155 194 101 450
302E0NEY 444 444
31G1DFL262 150 412
32G4VFL 252 135 387
33M0ICR336 336
34G3UKV333 333
35GW4ZAR320 320
36G3PHO 211 89 300
37G1EHF293 293
38G4PDS 286 286
39G1PPA224 43 267
40M1CJE105 104 52 261
41G3TDH 135 108 243
42G4FKK 226 226
43G3SQQ 219 219
44G8FMC 209 209
45M0CGL194 194
46G4APJ135 37 172
47G4SGX 168 168
48G3YDY 165 165
49GM3WUX 151 13 164
50G4PDF 78 79 157
51G0CDA 72 77 149
52G6TGO 144 144
53G4YPC 132 132
54G4DBN131 131
55G4LHT 121 121
56G4LDR119 119
57G1FFH105 105
58M0AFJ104 104
#2S51DI 97 97
59G0VOK 94 94
60GM3TAL87 87
61G8HGN 10 75 85
62G0ASP 77 77
63M6JIJ15 18 19 17 31 68
64G0LRD65 65
65G3TQF 63 63
65G8EEM/A 50 13 63
67G0GRI 60 60
68G4DZL59 59
692E0DKY 56 56
69G4DDL 56 56
#3EI9HQ 54 54
71G4SEQ46 46
72G4JED 45 45
73M6XAK32 32
74G7ICV 18 13 31
75G0JOS 29 29
76M0HFY 26 26
77GM7GDE 9 9
78G8XYJ8 8
79G1YBB 2 2
80GW6KLQ 1 1