
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

70 MHz Cumulative Contest 2018

The number of entries for this year's Cumulative Contest (89) was well down on last year but in line with the 2015 and 2016 totals.

Since this was the first year of the 'new' categories, direct comparison with previous years' results is not possible. Nevertheless, some of the callsigns at the top of the tables and individual certificate winners are very familiar!

The winner of the Open section was G4FZN/P, operated by Chris G4FZN and Pauline G8HQW.  They narrowly triumphed over David, G4ASR.  Unfortunately, neither of these stations were active in the final event of the series and this could have affected the result.

The winner in the Restricted section was Tony, GW8ASD, with a maximum possible score having won three individual events.The runner up was Alan, G0HEL, a welcome newcomer to the podium.  David, G8LZE was the leading 25w single antenna station and Andy 2E0VPX the highest placed Intermediate Licensee.

In the Low Power section, Steve GW1YBB, operating portable, topped the table with victories in three individual events. Steve demonstrated the importance of finding a good location: with just 4 watts he made more QSOs than any other entrant in the whole event on two occasions and scored the most points overall in the August contest.  G0EAK/P (another Steve) was the runner up.  Paul, 2E1SKY was the leading Intermediate station and Jay, M6JIJ was the highest placed Foundation Licensee.

The only overseas station to submit a log in any category was Conrad, PA5Y who wins the certificate for the leading non-UK participant.

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck for next year's Cumulatives.

Graham Coomber G0NBI

70MHz Cumulatives # 2018
Section AO
Pos Cert
1G4FZN/P771 955 1,000 1,000 2,955
2G4ASR1,000 1,000 807 2,807
3G3MXH610 878 607 867 2,355
4G4SJH/P638 612 674 1,924
5MM0CEZ297 277 288 673 935 1,905
6G3NPI471 539 510 386 780 1,829
7G4RFR596 652 520 350 1,768
8M0AHN/P310 315 721 1,346
9G4HGT/P733 490 1,223
10M1BXF 1,000 1,000
11G3TCT 441 536 977
12G4BWP 939 939
13G8DOH 451 486 937
14G4BRK 300 287 587
15G4RQI203 373 576
16M0SNB/P 566 566
17G0HEL/P 548 548
18G6UBM 248 295 543
19GW4JQP/P189 146 166 501
20GM8IEM282 172 454
21GW4MBS 65 312 377
22GM4DIJ162 206 368
23GU6EFB 221 140 361
24G3OVH 314 314
25GU4CHY 283 283
26G4YPC 178 95 273
27GB4PUB 211 211
28G4FKK192 192
29GW4ZAR183 183
30G4FZM/P133 133
31M1CJE 69 69
32GW4HBK24 24
33G8EEM/A 9 9
34G4XTF 1 1
Section AR
Pos Cert
#1PA5Y1,747 2,295 4,042
1GW8ASD1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G0HEL782 694 901 2,377
3G4CZB(/P)550 574 869 1,993
4G8LZE640 651 503 400 357 1,794
52E0VPX 596 551 467 1,614
6G4GFI 500 589 520 1,609
7G8FMC440 169 423 397 1,260
8G4HGI788 314 1,102
9G4CLB(/P)298 295 205 113 412 1,005
10M0ICK/P 979 979
11G3PHO440 336 776
12G7NBE/P208 258 252 718
13G8EOP305 412 717
14G0LGS/P 712 712
152E0MDJ(/P)232 163 263 137 155 658
16M0ICR 607 607
17G4JED 248 192 91 531
18G1PPA 466 466
19G3TDH224 217 441
20G8FUO 127 285 412
21M1MHZ 401 401
22G4APJ173 173 53 399
23G4PDS 395 395
24G8DLX(/P) 107 146 97 350
25G4DZL 349 349
26G0CDA 110 111 90 311
27G4VFL 120 154 274
28G0VOK139 85 224
29G4MBS/P 223 223
30M0KEP91 126 217
31G8HGN213 213
32G3WRR 207 207
33GW3ATZ/P 204 204
34G6GVI196 196
35GM4DIJ/A 122 57 179
36G6MXL/P 158 158
37GM4IGS 138 138
38G4PDF92 32 124
39G4YPC 96 96
40G4ZVB 81 81
41GM7GDE44 44
42G8EEM/A 37 37
43G0GWI35 35
Section AL
Pos Cert
1GW1YBB/P 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G0EAK/P1,000 1,000 470 2,470
3M0OMB386 341 219 946
4M6OXO(/P) 105 268 233 606
5G4HGT/P 479 479
6G3UVR5 140 225 370
7M1MHZ 342 342
82E1SKY159 71 230
9G4DBN59 59
10G8XYJ38 38
11M6JIJ 26 26
12M6JPU 20 20