
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

70 MHz Cumulative Contest 2019

There were 83 entries for this year's Cumulative Contest a few less than last year [89 in 2018].

Disappointingly, only the first event in the series (in February) enjoyed favourable conditions, and non-UK&CD callsigns only appeared in logs in the May event thanks to the rare appearance of Sporadic E.  As a result, no overseas entries were received.

The top of the leader board in the Open section proved to be an all-Scotland affair, with Stewart GM4AFF, triumphing over Peter, MM0CEZ and dropping only two points in the process.

Last year's Open Section winners, G4FZN/P, operated by Chris G4FZN and Pauline G8HQW elected to reduce their power and enter the Restricted Section which they won comfortably with a maximum possible score.  Last year's winner Tony, GW8ASD, was the runner up.

David, G8LZE was once again the leading 25w single antenna station, and certificates are awarded to Matt, 2E0MDJ and Paul, M6OPV/P as the highest placed Intermediate and Foundation Licensees respectively.

In the Low Power section, Andrew, G8BYB took top honours but a special mention is due to Donna, M7DON whose portable operation secured second place and, of course, a certificate for being the highest placed Foundation Licensee.

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck for next year's Cumulatives.

70MHz Cumulatives # 2019
Section AO
Pos Cert
1GM4AFF1,000 1,000 998 2,998
2MM0CEZ662 751 1,000 1,000 2,751
3G3MXH641 1,000 918 2,559
4G4SJH/P747 834 729 2,310
5G4RFR544 534 848 514 1,926
6G3NPI 609 530 549 1,688
7M0SNB543 707 1,250
8G3VGG368 418 402 409 1,229
9G3UVR342 551 131 1,024
10G3TCT 458 434 892
11G4BWP 822 822
12G4HGT/P681 681
13G3OVH196 200 154 139 280 676
14G4HGI 522 522
15G4BRK 521 521
16G8NVI 494 494
17M0AHN/P430 430
18GU6EFB365 365
19G4FKK 362 362
20G4SDM/P357 357
21GW4RWR 327 327
22GM4DIJ73 162 82 317
23G5UM 255 255
24G6UBM57 84 96 237
25GW4MBS194 194
26M0KEP 142 142
27M0GXM 131 131
28G8EOP91 91
29G4LVK 24 24
Section AR
Pos Cert
1G4FZN/P1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2GW8ASD911 463 707 952 534 2,570
3G0LGS(/P)735 16 765 1,000 469 2,500
4G1PPA708 328 500 763 1,971
5G8LZE491 412 726 687 485 1,904
6G4GFI 577 617 442 1,636
7G0HEL(/P)922 697 1,619
8G8FMC679 235 131 364 358 1,401
9G4CLB446 107 394 520 1,360
10G1HLT463 263 533 1,259
11GW0SOO/P354 166 626 1,146
12GW0GEI 406 725 1,131
132E0MDJ403 221 361 355 1,119
14G3NPI842 271 1,113
15G4CZB/P 771 324 1,095
16GW4ZAR570 131 701
17GW3ATZ240 55 299 594
18M0ICR 407 407
19G3RIR 114 187 301
20G1KAR/P 218 63 281
21G5UM 278 278
22G7WHI/P 264 264
23G4DZL261 261
24G3WRA 258 258
25GM4DIJ/A 70 171 241
26G8DLX223 223
27G1MZD207 207
28G0VOK 36 169 205
29M1SMH198 198
30G4VFL146 37 183
31G4MBS/P 180 180
32G4CRF 177 177
33GW6KLQ/P 172 172
34G4HGI158 158
35G6MXL/P145 145
36G4DDL104 104
37G1OGY 71 71
38G8EOP 65 65
39G4LHT 20 20
40M6OPV/P 9 9
412E0VKH 2 2
Section AL
Pos Cert
1G8BYB380 1,000 867 435 437 2,304
2M7DON(/P)79 263 373 551 571 1,495
3G4VPD 1,000 124 1,124
4G0EAK/P1,000 1,000
4G1PPA/P 1,000 1,000
4M0OMB 1,000 1,000
7G4CZB531 531
8M6XAK220 300 520
9G7RHF 104 69 173
10G0TLT128 128
11M0JSB9 9 18
12G8LNR/A10 10
13M6OPV/P 7 7