
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz Cumulatives 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2021 70 MHz Cumulative #5

Conditions were normal for 4m, the weather was wet and windy, the conditions were poor and flat. Bad QSB and low activity was evident from the comments. Please remember to check the rules; power limits on 4m do vary from the other VHF bands.

Number of entrants: 26 (which was down again, the last event was 32).

2021 Overall for the year

There were 79 entries for this year's Cumulative Contest, very similar to previous years [81 in 2020, 83 in 2019].

Chris G4FZN(P) was at the top of the leader board in the open section for a 2nd year running, 2nd place was Nick G4KUX who only entered 2 events - well done. The restricted section winner was again Tony GW8ASD, with Mike G8CUL as runner up.

In the low power section, Andy M5TKA(P) was the leader with Dave G8FMC coming in 2nd place.

Certificates are awarded to James 2E0OUT and Derek 2E0WGD as the highest placed Intermediate stations in Restricted and Low power sections respectively.  Ben M7TXR as highest placed Foundation station with Frank PE1EWR as the leading, non-UK&CD entry in both Open and Restricted sections.

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck for next year's Cumulative Contest.

Tom Melvin


70MHz Cumulatives # 2021
Section AO
Pos Cert
1G4FZN(/P)292 434 1,000 915 1,000 2,915
2G4KUX1,000 1,000 2,000
3G4PLZ499 747 377 61 1,623
4G0ORG328 403 285 485 515 1,403
5G3MXH567 282 505 1,354
6G3TCT397 818 1,215
7G3TCU378 682 1,060
8G8SFI/P 1,000 1,000
9MM0CEZ 226 232 352 354 938
10G4GFI 200 302 362 864
11G4CIZ122 294 312 160 196 802
12G4SJH156 220 215 591
13M0KEP160 369 529
14GM4AFF 480 480
15G4LPP 74 405 479
16G0PQF104 165 75 154 423
17GM4DIJ90 138 145 116 399
18GW4JQP39 123 107 70 62 300
19GU6EFB138 124 21 283
20G4AON/P 275 275
21GW4MBS86 76 105 267
22G8LYB 236 236
23G3NPI194 38 232
24G1EHF155 155
#1PE1EWR 117 117
25GM8IEM 37 37
26G1SCT 23 23
27GM3WUX9 3 12
28M0ZRR 8 8
29G4DYC 4 4
Section AR
Pos Cert
1GW8ASD1,000 847 647 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G8CUL 1,000 551 823 2,374
3G0SKA608 532 789 1,929
4G3OVH572 311 6 333 233 1,216
5G8LZE338 395 260 438 1,171
6M0JCQ/P 1,000 1,000
7G4TVR324 574 898
8G8LED/P 807 807
9G4EPA 128 274 362 764
10G3RIR231 493 724
11G8DVK671 671
12G4GUG377 283 660
13G1KAR/P 448 204 652
14G7WIR 137 133 377 647
152E0OUT 604 604
16G4HGI 497 497
17M0NPK 447 447
18M0UHF 96 304 400
19G8HGN 64 313 377
20G3WJG335 335
21M0CGF195 130 325
22G4CLB 275 275
232E0MDJ171 16 80 267
24G0MCV173 85 258
25G8DXU/P 182 182
25G8FRS73 109 182
27G1VDP 158 158
28G7WHI 153 153
29GW7HJN7 49 74 130
30M0WCZ 125 125
31G4BEE 114 114
32G0ULH87 87
#1PE1EWR82 82
33GM3TAL27 27
34G0GRI 6 19 25
35G4FKA 22 22
36G0RMG 19 19
37GW4JPC3 4 7
Section AL
Pos Cert
1M(W)5TKA(/P)1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000
2G8FMC614 436 1,000 339 701 2,315
3MW0OMB362 262 269 893
4G1MZD427 105 532
5G1DFL497 497
6G4VPD 33 170 262 465
7G4EFE/P 353 353
8M0UHF210 131 341
9G4IDF246 246
102E0WGD232 232
112E0EKW/P 231 231
12M7TXR 116 105 221
13G6GVI75 75