
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA

The popularity of this series of contests on 4m has been increasing year after year. Again a very welcome increase in participation for 2013 with a 32% increase in club entries & a 15% increase in individual entries. These 4m contests fall on the 5th Tuesday of the month & in 2013 this occurred 4 times: January, April, July & October (December falls on New Years Eve so no contest takes place this day). The best 3 sessions are used to calculate individual scores.

Please remember that the power restrictions for the 70 MHz UKAC sections differ from several of the other bands. Several entries had to be moved to different sections because power levels did not meet the section requirements.

The overall winner of the AL section was G8XYJ/P who was in top place for all 3 of his qualifying sessions. Section leader for the other session was G4VPD. The Camb-Hams team, G3PYE/P are overall winners of the AR section & are also in top place for all 3 of their qualifying sessions. Section leader for the other session was G8CUL. In the AO section, a team effort from the Tiverton (SW) RC takes top spot and win 2 of their qualifying sessions with G4FZN/P & G3TCT winning the remaining sessions. G3NPI wins the AX section by leading in 2 sessions, GM4JR leads the other 2 sessions. The Travelling Wave Contest Group were leading in each session of the club section, well ahead of last year's winners who took 2nd place, Bolton Wireless Club. Spalding & DARS were pushed down to 3rd position in the final session.

Congratulations go to winners, runners-up & all other certificate winners.

  1. Winner 4m Club Championship – Travelling Wave Contest Group
  2. Runner-Up 4m Club Championship – Bolton Wireless Club
  3. Winner AL Section – Matthew Porter, G8XYJ/P
  4. Runner-Up AL Section – Mike Pugh, G4VPD
  5. Winner AR Section – Camb-Hams (operated by G8WUR, M0BLF, M0LCM, M0MJH, M0VFC, M0ZRN & M1BXF), G3PYE/P
  6. Runner-Up AR Section – Keith Tatnall, G4ODA
  7. Winner AO Section – Tiverton (SW) RC (operated by G4FJK, G4RRA & G0IFC), G4TSW
  8. Runner-Up AO Section – Chris & Pauline Kirby (operated by G4FZN & G8HQW), G4FZN/P
  9. Winner AX Section – Geoff Suggate, G3NPI
  10. Runner-Up AX Section – Andy Anderson, GM4JR
  11. Leading Foundation Licensee AL Section – Phil Willetts, M6SRZ
  12. Leading Intermediate Licensee AR Section – Andy Brown, 2E0VPX
  13. Leading Foundation Licensee AR Section – Alfred Cleal, M3RNX

Certificate winners can download their certificates by clicking on the icon in the position column.

Many thanks to all participants & we look forward to receiving your entries in 2014.

The first 4m UKAC of 2014 starts at 1900UTC on Tuesday April 29th.

Richard G4WFR

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC