
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

4m UKAC Final Results 2014

The 4m UKAC’s take place on the 5th Tuesday of the month, this occurred in April, July, September & December during 2014. Participation has increased with a 37% higher entry level than last year with a total of 207 entries. The first session in April proved to be the busiest with 214 active stations on the band & 116 logs received.
The top 3 places in the club section are held by the same teams as last year with Travelling Wave Contest Group leading with 14 stations contributing to their score. Bolton Wireless Club have 17 stations contributing to their runner up position.

G4FZN/P representing the Northern Fells CG leads the AO table by winning all three of the required qualifying sessions giving a maximum 3000 points. G3TCU achieves second place & wins one session.
Camb-Hams, G3PYE/P win the AR section winning all three of the required sessions giving them a maximum 3000 points. G4ODA representing Spalding & DARS wins one session & finishes overall second place.
M0RXK/P representing the Travelling Wave Contest Group leads the AL section & wins 3 sessions with the maximum 3000 points & G4CLA is in second place for the Parallel Lines Contest Group.
In the AX section, GM4JR leads & wins every session giving him an easy 3000 points & G7DWY takes second place.

Congratulations go to all certificate winners as below.

  • Club Section Winner: Travelling Wave CG
  • Club Section Runner-up: Bolton Wireless Club
  • AX Section Winner: Andy Anderson GM4JR
  • AX Section Runner-up: Ian Barraclough G7DWY
  • AO Section Winner: G4FZN/P operated by Chris Kirby G4FZN & Pauline Kirby G8HQW
  • AO Section Runner-up: Phil Guttridge G3TCU(/P)
  • AR Section Winner: Camb-Hams G3PYE/P
  • AR Section Runner-up: Keith Tatnall G4ODA
  • AL Section Winner: Mark Hemming M0RKX/P
  • AL Section Runner-up: Pete Lindsay G4CLA
  • AR Section Leading Intermediate Station: Andy Brown 2E0VPX
  • AR Section Leading Foundation Station: Guy Roberts M6JNJ/A
  • AL Section Leading Intermediate Station: Paul Faulkner 2E0PCF/P
  • AL Section Leading Foundation Station: Rees Adams M6GZE/P

Good luck to all participants for 2015 & thank you for your support during 2014.

Richard G4WFR

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC