
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2016 70MHz UKAC

This series has seen a gradual increase in participation over this year. 139 stations entered the January session. The May session saw a slight drop in entrants to 124. The last two sessions (August and November) saw 153 and 163 entrants respectively.

One of the questions in the 2016 VHF Contest Survey run by the VHF Contest Committee asked peoples' opinion on moving the 70MHz UKACs to every 3rd Thursday in every month to align with European activity. This move would permit up to 12 sessions to be included in the contest calendar. The survey results showed a preference for this move so the 2017 contest calendar will contain 12 70MHz UKAC sessions.

A common problem was encountered in almost every 70MHz UKAC session - entrants not reading the RF power output rules! The maximum power permitted in the 70MHz UKAC AL section is 4W and the maximum power permitted in the 70MHz UKAC AR section is 40W.

Congratulations to Travelling Wave CG for claiming first place in the Club competition with 30680 points. In second place was Ossett ARO with 29248 points and in third place was Drowned Rats RG with 21606 points. 59 clubs/groups took part in the 2016 70MHz UKAC.

In the AO section, G4FZN/P was the winner with 2877 points. In second place and only 74 points behind was G3TCU/P with 2803 points. Third place was claimed by G3XDY with 2583 points. 63 stations entered the AO section. Seven stations (including the top three) entered all four sessions. 2E0DTB claims the Leading Intermediate Licensee certificate.

In the AR section, the leading station was G4CLA who scored the maximum possible number of points of 3000. Only 56 points behind G4CLA was G4ODA who scored 2944 points to claim second place. In third place only 30 points behind G4ODA was G0EHV/P who scored 2914 points. The top nine stations all scored more than 2800 points. 2E0VPX claims the Leading Intermediate Licensee certificate. The Leading Foundation Licensee certificate was won by M6KMB. 146 stations entered the AR section.

The competition for first place in the AL section was even closer than for the AR section. In first place  was G0EAK/P with 2899 points. Only thirty points behind was M0RKX/P with 2869 points. 2E0DXK/P claimed third place with 2678 points and also claimed the Leading Intermediate Licensee in this section. The Leading Foundation Licensee certificate was won by M6KTP/P. 60 stations entered the AL section.

The Leading Overseas Station certificate was won by PA5Y.

Congratulations to all certificate winners.

The first of twelve 2017 70MHz UKAC sessions starts at 2000 local time (2000 UTC) on Thursday January 19th. Please note the change of day! Just before this event is the first 70MHz FM Activity Contest (FMAC) which starts at 1900 local time (1900 UTC) with a duration of 1 hour.

The Club Championship for all UKAC is also being split into a General category and a Local category and clubs need to choose which section to enter and email their decision toafs.query@rsgbcc.org.

Clubs wishing to enter the 'Local' category must specify a Virtual Meeting Place (VMP) -- a reference point from which distances are measured, and which need not have any connection with the Society's activities. Societies must email the UK Postcode or 6-digit QTH locator of their VMP toafs.query@rsgbcc.org before the first relevant contest entry of each calendar year. Their VMP will be used for all HF AFS, 80m CC, VHF AFS and UKAC contests.

An Affiliated Society must enter the same club category for every UKAC band. Society members in the Local category must have their home QTH (as shown on their Ofcom validation document) within a circle of radius 35km from their Club's Virtual Meeting Place. However, members may be based outside the 35km radius if there are no other AFS with that 35km.

Stations must state their UK Postcode or 6-digit QTH locator of their home QTH when entering their log on behalf of a club in the Local category. There is no distance restriction on where their station is operated. There is no distance restriction on society members in the General category.


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC