
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA


79 entries were received for the December 70MHz UKAC session - the last of the year - (19 section AO, 47 section AR and 13 section AL). This was sixteen down on November.  As one might expect from the time of year, the number of portable entrants was down - to nine from fifteen the previous month. A total of 154 valid calls appear in the logs, from 26 big squares and 8 DXCC entities. The best DX was again between G4ASR and SP9HWY in JO90 square at 1546km - one of two contacts at over 1000km.

The most optimistic comments on conditions were 'not too good' and 'average winter', the rest being far less favourable, with 'poor' or 'very poor' being most common, occurring twelve times. Taken together with numerous reports of QSB and noise - endemic in the 4m UKACs - plus windy weather, it is perhaps not surprising that activity was mostly reported as low, with several of the regulars missing and a number of entrants closing down early.

Moving on to the whole year results, the number of entrants varied between 79 (in December) and 129 (in May), an average of 112, two up on the whole year figure for 2018. The number of valid calls appearing in logs varied between 128 and 209, with the minimum and maximum numbers occurring in December and May - the same months as for the corresponding number of entrants. The number of big squares worked varied between 24 and 32, peaking in May - July (broadly corresponding to the sporadic E season) although a little oddly the peak number (32) was also worked in January.  The best DX of the year was between G4ASR and OH1DP in KP10 square at 1889km in the May session. G4ASR also worked the best DX in five other sessions.

Thanks to all those who took part, and congratulations to the certificate winners, as follows:

General Club section

Leading club - 807 ARO

Second placed club - Northern Fells CG

Third placed club - Drowned Rats RG

Local club section

Leading club - Hereford ARS

Second placed club - Worksop ARS

Third placed club - Tall Trees CG

Section AO

Leading entrant - G4FZN/P

Second placed entrant - G4ASR

Third placed entrant - M1DDD/P

Section AR

Leading entrant - G4CLA

Second placed entrant - G7LRQ/P

Third placed entrant - G8PNN/P

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0MDJ

Leading Foundation Licensee - M6KMB

Leading non-UK entrant - PA5Y

Section AL

Leading entrant - GW1YBB/P

Second placed entrant - G0EAK/P

Third placed entrant - 2E0DXK(/P)

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0DXK(/P)

Leading Foundation Licensee - M6VUK(/A/P)

Entrant providing greatest number of entrants with their best DX - GM4AFF

The next session - the first of the 2020 season - takes place on Thursday 16th January between 2000 & 2230 UTC.

That's all for 2019 - hope to see you in 2020!

Quin Collier G3WRR


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC