
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2020   
v4.146 by G4CLA


138 entries were received for the December 2020 70MHz UKAC session - the last of the year. 29 of these were in section AO, 77 section AR, and 32 section AL. This was five up on the November session. A total of 214 valid calls appear in the logs, from 26 big squares (21 UK&CD & five outside) and ten DXCC entities. The best DX was between G4ASR in IO81 and SP9HWY in JO90 at 1546km. This was one of three contacts at over 1000km - the station at the far end of each being SP9HWY.

A couple of entrants reported conditions as average and there was a stoical 'not the best', but it was all downhill from there. Most reported them as flat or poor, with a handful of 'grim, 'terrible', and 'truly awful':  the uncharacteristically low number of non-UK&CD squares worked (five) bears this out. Reports on activity were evenly balanced between 'good' and 'very quiet' - but opinions on two of the regular delights of 4m (QSB and noise) were much more consistent. QSB (described as 'vicious' by one entrant) was a problem for many - and although a couple of entrants found the noise lower than normal it proved to be a serious problem for many. Add to this many complaints of wind rain and cold (succinctly summarised by one entrant as 'wind - rain - mud - SWR gremlins') and this, like the 23cm UKACs, was a low key end to the 2020 season....

Moving now on to the whole year results, the total number of entries was 1720, with monthly figures between 109 in January 168 in July. This is an average of 143 - 28% up on the 2019 average, no doubt mainly due to COVID lockdown but welcome nevertheless. The number of valid callsigns appearing in logs varied between 157 in January and 288 in July, probably corresponding to the peak of the sporadic E season. The best DX of the year (1583km) was between GM4AFF and SP9HWY in JO90 square during the October session. However the most consistent best DX was between G4ASR and SP9HWY at 1546km in no less than eight of the sessions, with SP9HWY being the best DX in no less than eleven!

Thanks to all those who took part, and congratulations to the certificate winners, as follows:

General Club section

Leading club - 807 ARO

Second placed club - Northern Fells CG

Third placed club - Wirral & DARC

Local club section

Leading club - Hereford ARS

Second placed club - Northampton RC

Third placed club - Worksop ARS

Section AO

Leading entrant - G4ASR

Second placed entrant - G4FZN(/P)

Third placed entrant - G3XDY

Leading non-UK&CD entrant - PE1EWR

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0KYX

Section AR

Leading entrant - G4CLA

Second placed entrant - G(M)4ODA(/P)

Third placed entrant - G7LRQ/P

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0MDJ

Leading non-UK&CD entrant - PE1EWR

Section AL

Leading entrant - G8DMU(/P)

Second placed entrant - G1PPA(/P)

Third placed entrant - M0LLW(/P)

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0XMB

Leading Foundation Licensee - M7DON(/P)

That's all for 2020 - hope to see you again in 2021, the first session of which takes place on Thursday 21st January from 2000 - 2230 UTC.

Quin Collier G3WRR


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC