
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA


In reviewing the results of the 2021 70MHz UKAC series, it's worth starting with some overall statistics. The number of clubs taking part was 64, 36 in the General Club section and 28 in the Local Club Section. This was 17% down on the figure for 2020. The total number of different callsigns submitting entries was stations entering was 333 - down on 2020 by 14%. The total number of entries received for the series as a whole was 1652 - 4% down on 2020. The number of entries per session varied between 114 (November) and 172 (April), with an average of 137. However, this quantitative information does not tell the whole story as the impact of COVID (lockdown, etc) was different in those two years and it is difficult to see the true comparison.

The total number of DXCC entities worked across the series was 21 (5B, 9A, DL, EA, EI, ES, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW - all UK&CD call areas - LA, OH, OK, OM, ON, OZ, PA and SP).  In fact all but one of these (GJ) were worked in the June session which conveniently coincided with a period of excellent sporadic E ! The best DX took place in the June session as part of the sporadic E opening and was between GW1YBB/P in IO81 and 5B4AAB in KM64 at 3390km.

Looking at club results, in the General Club section the leading entrant is Northern Fells CG, moving up one place from second. In second place is 807 ARO, last year's winner. Third place is held by Wirral & DARC, retaining the position they took in 2020. In the Local Club section, Hereford ARS retains first place, their position in 2020. In second place is Milton Keynes ARS, up from sixth place. Third place is taken by Parallel Lines CG up from fifth.

Moving on to individual results, the leading entrant in the Open section is GI4SNA (up from eleventh in 2020), followed by G4ASR in second place (down from last year's first) and in third place G4KUX (up from last year's tenth). In the Restricted section, the leading place is taken by G4CLA (last year's winner), followed by G4ODA (who retains second place from 2020) and in third place GD0AMD/P up from 27th. In the Low Power section, first place is taken by GW1YBB/P (up from ninth place) followed by G8DMU(/P) (down one place) and G1PPA(/P) - also down by one place.

All the above-named clubs and stations are awarded certificates. Certificates are also awarded to PE1EWR (leading non UK&CD entrant in the Restricted section), 2E0VCC(/P) (leading Intermediate Licensee in the Restricted section), 2E0TXT/P (leading Intermediate Licensee in the Low Power section) and M7TXR (leading Foundation Licensee in the Low Power section). Congratulations to all the certificate winners and thanks to all the 2021 participants.

Well, that's it for the 2021 4m UKAC- hope to see you on the band in the 2022 season!

Quin Collier G3WRR


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC