
RSGB Contest Results March 144 432MHz 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA

March 144/432 MHz 2013

In 2012 conditions were dire.  This year entrants were rewarded with excellent conditions on both bands.  A number of stations commented that they had achieved all time new squares and countries.  The best conditions were on the Saturday and those who had chosen Sunday for their six hour section were at a significant disadvantage.  A number of East coast stations commented that the lift was going over the top of them and favouring more westerly stations.  Entry levels were significantly increased, particularly in the 24 hour single operator fixed section.

On 144MHz 107 squares were worked.  The main lift was in an arc from east to south east with OE, OK, OM, HB9 and the south of France to the Mediterranean being worked.  Additionally there were a small number of contacts into Scandinavia and the Spain/France border area.  There were 68 QSOs greater than 1000kms and a further 139 QSOs between 900 and 1000kms.  The best contact was between G3MEH and OM3W at 1353kms.

A similar, though slightly reduced, area was worked on 432MHz with 76 squares worked as far as OE, OK and HB9.  There were 14 contacts over 1000kms and a further 29 between 900 and 1000kms.  The best contact was between G8EOP and OK1TEH at 1227kms.

Generally logging standards are improving but a number of entrants would improve their scores by performing basic checks on their logs prior to submission.  A major source of error is a mismatch between the country of the prefix and the locator square.  For example a G station in JO82 at a claimed score of over 1000kms may not be correct!

Congratulations go to:

  •  The Tiverton (SW) Radio Club, G4TSW  who won the open section;

  •  Roger, G3MEH who won the single operator fixed section;

  •  Alex, M6KSB/P for winning the single operator others section;

  •  The Warrington CG, G3CKR/P  who won the six-hour open section;

  •  Alwyn, G8DOH who won the six-hour single operator fixed section;

  •  All other band winners and runners up, who together with stations identified, will receive certificates.

Roger Dixon, G4BVY


This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship