
RSGB Contest Results March 144 432MHz 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

March 144/432 MHz 2014

After the superb conditions in 2013, this year saw a return to "normal" conditions. In fact conditions were generally referred to as poor to dismal on both bands.  Activity levels were low and in particular the poor activity level within the UK was commented on by many.  While the weather was generally benign for this time of year, the wind caused problems for some and an extreme weather front arriving from the south west at the end of the event caused an extremely unpleasant take down for some portable entrants.  Overall entry levels were around 10% down on 2013.

On 144MHz 72 squares were worked.  There were 5 QSOs greater than 800kms and a further 33 QSOs between 700 and 800kms.  The best contact was between G4G and DL0BA at 865kms.

On 432MHz 43 squares were active.  There were 6 contacts over 700kms and a further 33 between 600 and 700kms.  The best contact was between G4TSW and DF2VJ at 768kms.

Congratulations go to:

  •  The Five Bells Group, G5B, who won the open section;

  •  Roger, G3MEH, who won the single operator fixed section for the second year running;

  •  Kevin, G7KXZ/P, for winning the single operator others section;

  •  The Northern Fells CG, G4G,  who won the six-hour open section;

  •  Richard, GD8EXI, who won the six-hour single operator fixed section;

  •  All other band winners and runners up, who together with stations identified, will receive certificates.

Roger Dixon, G4BVY


This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship