
RSGB Contest Results March 144 432MHz 2015   
v4.146 by G4CLA

March 144/432 MHz 2015

The Hepburn forecast was enticing during the week leading up to the event.  In the end the forecast proved optimistic.  However there were enhanced conditions particularly during Saturday evening.  On 144MHz many stations were working into the further reaches of DL, OE, OK and SM.  Additionally there were lifts into EA between 8 and 9pm on Saturday and between 7am and 1pm on Sunday.  The number of contacts made by G8T was the highest by some margin in the 16 years that I have adjudicated this contest.  On 432MHz  the enhanced condition were into DL and OZ.

On 144MHz 99 squares were worked.  There were 15 QSOs greater than 1000kms and a further 18 QSOs between 900 and 1000kms.  The best contact was between GD8EXI and EA1EWY/P at 1175kms.

On 432MHz 60 squares were active.  There were 8 contacts over 800kms and a further 27 between 700 and 800kms.  The best contact was between G3M and OZ9GE at 899kms.

The March contest is rarely benign weather wise and this year there were strong and gusty winds across the UK and rain affected some portable stations.

Overall entry levels rose considerably and were 48% up on 2014.  Most noticeable was the increase in single operator fixed stations participating in the 24 hour section.

Congratulations go to:

  • The Blacksheep Contest Group, G8T, who won the open section;

  • Keith, G4ODA, who won the single operator fixed section;

  • Richard, G4WFR/P, for winning the single operator others section;

  • The Drowned Rats  CG, M0HRF/P,  who won the six-hour open section;

  • Richard, GD8EXI, who won the six-hour single operator fixed section for the second year running;

  • All other band winners and runners up, who together with stations identified, will receive certificates.

Roger Dixon, G4BVY


This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship