
RSGB Contest Results March 144 432MHz 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

March 144/432 MHz 2016

Conditions in this event were generally described as "poor", "awful" and "dire".  Together with this many entrants commented on the low levels of activity, particularly in the UK.  The number of entries was 30% down on 2015, mainly in the fixed station sections. Portable entrants had to endure low temperatures, rain, sleet, snow, freezing fog and muddy ground.

On 144MHz 85 squares were worked. There were only 11 tropo QSOs greater than 800kms and a further 42 QSOs between 700 and 800kms.  The best contact was between M0HRF/P and DR1H at 875kms. Six MGM contacts were completed with the best QSO between GM8IEM and OH6KTL at 1523kms.

On 432MHz 63 squares were active. There were 17 contacts over 700kms and a further 18 between 600 and 700kms. The best contact was between G3M and DM5D at 825kms.

Logging standards were relatively poor with 6.6% of QSOs being disallowed.  For the first time in this contest, logs were exchanged with our European neighbours and the logs from DL, F, ON and PA were used in the adjudication.  Entrants will notice that this showed high numbers of discrepancies in their longer distance contacts.

Congratulations go to:

  • The Blacksheep Contest Group, G8T, who won the open section for the second year running;

  • Roger, G3MEH, who won the single operator fixed section;

  • Alastair, G4RUL/P, for winning the single operator others section;

  • The Vecta CG, M0VCT/P,  who won the six-hour open section;

  • Richard, GD8EXI, who won the six-hour single operator fixed section for the third year running;

  • All other band winners and runners up, who together with stations identified, will receive certificates.

Roger Dixon, G4BVY


This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship