
RSGB Contest Results March 144 432MHz 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

March 144/432 MHz 2017

Conditions in this event were generally described as "poor", "flat" and "abysmal". Together with this many entrants commented on the low levels of activity, particularly in the UK.  That maybe so but there were more entrants on each band than in 2016 and more active squares on 144MHz at least (on the back, presumably, of greater exposure to the delights of VHF contesting via the AC's). But the word exposure is more appropriately used for portable entrants who had to endure low temperatures, rain, sleet, snow, gusty wind and muddy ground (a typical March contest,then).

On 144MHz 123 squares were worked (85 in 2016) and there were 984 active stations (746 in 2016). There were 90 entries (63 in 2016). ODX was achieved by GM4VVX using MGM to good effect by working OH6KTL at 1484km in KP02OJ (it's worth noting that MGM is available in all RSGB VHF contests and can be a great geographical leveller (at least as far as ODX is concerned)).

On 432MHz 54 squares were active (63 in 2016) and there were 260 active stations (269 in 2016). There were 65 entries (47 in 2016).(ODX was achieved by G8T at 869km with DM7A in JO60OM).

Congratulations go to:

  • The Blacksheep Contest Group, G8T, who won the open section for the third year running
  • Joe, G0JJG, who won the single operator fixed section
  • Steve G0EAK/P, for winning the single operator others section
  • The Warrington CG G3CKR/P, who won the six-hour open section
  • Richard, GD8EXI, who won the six-hour single operator fixed section for the fourth year running

All other band winners and runners up, who together with stations identified, will receive certificates.

Stephen Purser G4SHF

This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship