
RSGB Contest Results March 144 432MHz 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

March 144/432 MHz 2019

The issue for this years event was storm Freya bringing rain and high winds on Saturday.It made life difficult for anyone going /P, and also affected  the activity levels.

On 144MHz  ODX was achieved by G8T working DL0HTW at 874 km.

On 432MHZ  ODX was achieved by G0VHF/P at 846 km also with DL0HTW .

Congratulations go to:

The Reigate & Crawley Group G3M, who won the multi op section

G0EAK/P , who won the single operator open section

G4ASR for winning the single operator fixed section

G0VHF/P , who won the six-hour  open section

GD8EXI, who won the six-hour single operator fixed section for the sixth year running

Congratulations to all other band winners and runners up, who together with stations identified,who will receive certificates.

Again congratulations to anyone who managed to operate /P in this contest - despite the storm Freya weather.

Mike G3VYI


This contest is part of the following contest series VHF Championship