
RSGB Contest Results May UHF 2016   
v4.146 by G4CLA

In the Open section Colchester Radio Amateurs, M1CRO/P tightened their grip by winning five out of the six bands for which entries were received, Parallel Lines CG comfortably winning 432MHz.

South Birmingham Radio Society retain their second place from last year in the Open Section.

The leader in the Single Operator Fixed section was again John, G3XDY.  Remarkably John wins five of the six bands the only exception being 432MHz which Anthony, G7LRQ wins comfortably.

G4LDR moves from fourth last year to a well deserved second this year in the Single Fixed section.  Being QRV on all six bands built a very respectable score.

Entries in the Open section remained constant though SF section participation leapt from 21 to 36 logs received.  This is really welcome and shows that 70cm and above continues to provide interesting technical and operating challenges.

Don't forget the autumn UHF multi-band contest which this year is on 1-2 October.

Mike Davies, G0KAD