
RSGB Contest Results May UHF 2018   
v4.146 by G4CLA

In the Open section it's deja vu (again) with Colchester Radio Amateurs, M1CRO/P winning six out of the seven bands for which any entry was received, Parallel Lines CG of course win on 432MHz.

Parallel Lines CG take overall second place in the Open section with just a 70cm log entered, South Birmingham Radio Society, G8OHM lie third.

The overall winner in the Single Operator Fixed section was John, G3XDY. John wins all six bands he entered with 24GHz going to John, G4BAO.

Neil, G4LDR retains second place overall in the Single Fixed section.

A good entry on 70cm and 23cm from Conrad, PA5Y takes the best overseas entrant place.

The weather was glorious which didn't help the higher bands but made for an enjoyable weekend.

Congratulations to all the many certificate winners.

The autumn UHF multi-band contest takes place on 6-7 October this year.  Fingers crossed for good weather and good conditions.

Mike Davies G0KAD