
RSGB Contest Results May UHF 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

2021 May UHF Contest Results

Conditions were poor, while entrants mentioned it being quiet the number of entries were actually up from the last (Pre Lockdown) entry.While no 24GHz entries were received there was activity for the first time on 47GHz.

Colchester Radio Amateurs, (M1CRO/P, G4ZTR) won the Open Section with Warrington CG (M1W, G8XVJ/P) coming in second. 807 ARO (F1MKG) was leading Non-UK Station in the Open Section.

The overall winner in the Single Operator Fixed section was Keith G4ODA (Five Bells Group) with John G3XDY (Martlesham RS) coming in Second. 807 ARO (PE1EWR) was leading Single Operator Non UK station.

Congratulations to all the many certificate winners.
