
RSGB Contest Results May UHF 2022   
v4.146 by G4CLA

In the Open section congratulations to Colchester Radio Amateurs, M1CRO/P (Ops: G4ZTR, G0JJG, G0JBA, G0IBZ, M0BOP and G1OGY) who won all bands. Combe Gibberlets, M0HNA/P (Ops: Phil G3TCU and Graham G3TCT) were runner ups.

The overall winner in the Single Operator Fixed section was Keith G4ODA with John G3XDY as runner up. Special congratulations also to John for putting in an entry in every band.

Conditions were poor with a minor duct reported early on, there was a lot of QSB reported combined with very low activity.

The autumn UHF multi-band contest takes place on 1-2 October this year.  Fingers crossed for good weather and good conditions.