
RSGB Contest Results Oct UHF 2017   
v4.146 by G4CLA

October UHF

The last UHF contest of the year was rewarded with a slight increase in the number of entries overall from 27 in 2016 to 35 in 2017.  This maybe due to the effects of more people having equipment for these bands because of the AC's; although as I noted last year the contest clashed with the Newark Hamfest and that may have affected entry numbers.  That said, it can hardly be described as a popular contest and a number of entrants noted the lack of activity.

This event is co-ordinated with a IARU Region 1 contest and the R1 logs were obtained and were used to assist with adjudication.

Congratulations go to:

  • Colchester RA M1CRO/P who again win the open section of the overall contest and all the bands used in the UK except 70cm where they were beaten to first place by Reigate and Crawley G3M.
  • John G3XDY who again wins Overall SF
  • Runner up in Open was Five Bells Group G5B and in SF it was Neil G4LDR
  • Conrad PA5Y was leading overseas station
  • Congratulations to the remaining Certificate winners

Stephen Purser G4SHF