
RSGB Contest Results Oct UHF 2021   
v4.146 by G4CLA

October UHF

The last UHF contest of the year received 32 entries (32 in 2020).  It can hardly be described as a popular contest and a number of entrants noted the lack of activity and poor conditions.  Weather was described as dreadful.  Inevitably most QSO's were made during the partly concurrent 1.2GHz and 2.3 GHz Trophy contests.

For 2021 6 hour sections were added for 432MHz only - these sections attracted only 15 entries and no increase in the overall number of entrants was achieved.  Notable was the absence of portable stations - with only Blacksheep Contest Group G8T putting on a decent single band station on 70cm and being rewarded with both a certificate and a score many times higher than their nearest competitor.

G8T also provided contest ODX with a QSO with OL4A on 432MHz at 885km.   QSO's over 800km were also achieved by G4BRK, G3XDY and G8DOH.

This event is co-ordinated with a IARU Region 1 contest and the R1 logs were obtained and were used to assist with adjudication.

Most stations noted poor activity and unpleasant weather conditions.  Is there a better format for this contest ?  Suggestions to VHFCC please.

Congratulations go to:

  • John G4ZTR who wins the Open Section
  • Neil G4BRK who was runner up in the Open Section
  • Gil F4FET who was Leading Overseas Station in the Open Section
  • John G3XDY who again wins Single Operator Fixed
  • Keith G4ODA who was runner up in Single Operator Fixed
  • Frank PE1EWR was leading overseas station In Single Operator Fixed
  • Congratulations to the remaining Band Certificate winners

Stephen Purser GW4SHF