
RSGB Contest Results 144MHz Backpackers Championship 2015   
v4.146 by G4CLA

144 MHz Backpackers Championship 2015.

Sixty stations took part in the 2015 Backpackers series of contests. It is good to see an increase in entry level this year, perhaps showing that the shorter length contests are still gaining popularity.

The Backpackers Trophy is awarded to the overall winner of the 3B section. This year, Andrew G4XZL retains the trophy for his winning performance operating from England (IO90) & Wales (IO83). Andrew won three of the five sessions to give him the maximum available 3000 points. Runner-up in section 3B is Kevin G7KXZ who operated one session from IO65 in Northern Ireland & won the 4th session.

In the Hilltoppers section (10H), Paul G8BGV is overall winner and won two of the sessions. Not far behind Paul is M0HRF/P, The Drowned Rats Radio Group

Congratulations go to certificate winners as below:

  • Winner, section 3B: Andrew, G4XZL/P
  • Runner-Up, Section 3B: Kevin, G7KXZ/P
  • Winner, Section 10H: Paul (G3YDY), G8BGV/P
  • Runner-Up, Section 10H: Drowned Rats RG, M0HRF/P
  • Leading Intermediate Licensee, Section 3B: Mike 2E0PWL/P
  • Joint Leading Foundation Licensee, Section 3B: Lauren, M6HLR/P and Jon, M6POA/P
  • Leading Intermediate Licensee, Section 10H: Phillip, 2E0NVS/P

Many thanks to all that took part in this series of contests in 2015 & hope you can join in again in 2016.


Richard G4WFR

144MHz Backpackers Championship 2015
= Young Operator (up to 18)