
RSGB Contest Results VHF CW Championship 2014   
v4.146 by G4CLA

VHF CW Championship 2014

This is the third year that this championship has been run and it includes the 50MHz CW, the 70MHz CW and the 144 MHz CW contests.

The entry level for the VHF CW Championship has remained pretty strong with 57 (65 in 2013) stations entering.  The results again demonstrate what can be achieved using CW on VHF and clearly show the benefits that CW can bring under marginal conditions. Some good Dx was worked by ordinary stations, showing CW can be a great mode for DX with normal equipment.  

It is good to see  the number of stations achieving high overall scores and a number of new entrants who hopefully will be challenging for the top honours in 2015.

Congratulations and certificates go to:

John G4ZTR, first  place .  

Phil G3TCU/P in  second place.  


VHF CW Championship 2014