
RSGB Contest Results VHF Championship 2015   
v4.146 by G4CLA

The VHF Contests' Championship aims to provide an overall result for the year - based on a representative selection of contests. The contests that count towards the Championship are: March 2m/70cm (the overall 2 band normalised score), 432 MHz Trophy, May 144 MHz, 50 MHz Trophy, 144 MHz Low Power, 432 MHz Low Power, 144 MHz Trophy, 70 MHz Trophy, 1.3 GHz Trophy & 2.3 GHz Trophy (combined score)

All stations entering these events are automatically included in the Championship. There is a Single Operator Fixed Station section (SF), a Single Operator Fixed Low Power section [less than 25W to a single antenna] (LP) and a Open section [Groups and Portables] (O).

All entries have been re-allocated and re-normalised from the original sections and points scores in each qualifying contest. The re-normalisation is against the best scoring station/group in each individual Championship section.

All Single Fixed stations are entered and tabulated into the SF section. Stations qualifying for the LP section are also entered and tabulated into the LP section.

The overall results are shown in the accompanying tables.

In the SF section, for the 3rd year running congratulations and the John Pilags Memorial Trophy goes to Roger, G3MEH. Roger entered all 9 contests during the year, winning 3 of the events and increasing his overall score from last year. In second place is Richard GD8EXI, up from 5th in last year's results. Richard entered 7 events in all. Below the top two are a number of stations with excellent scores.  Congratulation also to Peter, 2E0NEY was the highest placed intermediate Licensee for the 4th year running.

Another long standing winner, Richard G4HGI, is awarded The Low Power Championship Trophy for the 5th year running. Richard entered 7 of the 9 events, managing to win 4 of them. Once again there was a close battle for 2nd spot during the year between David G8LZE and Graham G3YJR.  This year is was David who eventually took 2nd place overall, having lost out to Graham last year.

For many years the Open Section has been dominated by the Five Bells Group, but this year it is the Blacksheep Contest Group who have taken 1st place and the Racal Radio Cup with a very impressive set of results, scoring maximum points in 4 of the events. Colchester Radio Amateurs are in second spot this year moving up from 3rd place in 2014.

Certificates are awarded to winners and runners-up of each section. Additionally, Certificates are awarded to the leading Foundation and Intermediate licensees. All these are shown with appropriate icons.

Pete Lindsay, G4CLA.

VHF Championship 2015
= Young Operator (up to 18)