
RSGB Contest Results 2013   
v4.146 by G4CLA


There was a slight drop in entries to the SHF UKACs across all bands compared with 2012, although the reasons for this were not clear from the logs and results. The events continue to provide an important stimulus for activity on the microwave bands nonetheless.

Conditions were generally unspectacular, although there was some tropo enhancement to Germany in the September event and rainscatter on 10GHz in the October session.

Comments on the final session indicated that conditions were below average on all bands.

Congratulations go to the following certificate winners:


Leading Club  - Harwell ARS
Runner up Club – Bolton Wireless Club
Winner, Open Section  - G8OHM
Runner up, Open Section – G0EHV/P
Winner, Restricted Section – G8CUL
Runner up, Restricted Section – G8NVI
Leading Station running <=25W to a single antenna – G0MJW


Leading Club  - Bolton Wireless Club
Runner up Club – Harwell ARS
Winner, Open Section  - G4LDR
Runner up, Open Section – G4BRK
Winner, Restricted Section – M0GHZ
Runner up, Restricted Section – G0MJW


Leading Club  - Bolton Wireless Club
Runner up Club – Trowbridge & DARC
Winner, Open Section  - G4LDR
Winner, Restricted Section – M0GHZ
Runner up, Restricted Section – G6GVI/P


Leading Club  - Bolton Wireless Club
Runner up Club – Cheltenham ARA
Winner, Open Section  - G4LDR
Runner up, Open Section – G3VKV
Winner, Restricted Section – G8DTF
Runner up, Restricted Section – M0GHZ
Leading Foundation Station – M6NNX

Thanks to all the stations that participated in the SHF UKACs in 2013. The 2014 SHF UKACs commence on Tuesday 28th January, at 20:00 UTC


John G3XDY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC  SHF UKAC