
RSGB Contest Results 2015   
v4.146 by G4CLA

SHF UKAC November 2015

There was general agreement that conditions were very poor for this event, compounded by difficult weather conditions with snow reported by one station.

The large increase in entries seen in 2014 was not repeated this year, in fact the number of entrants declined on both 2.3GHz and 10GHz. One or two clubs appear to have decided not to pursue the SHF UKACs and accounts for much of the reduction on 10GHz. The timing restrictions on 2.3GHz during the summer months are also continuing to have an impact, particularly for portable operators.

Stations wishing to take part in the 2.3GHz events are reminded that they must register their station with Ofcom, and also hold the relevant notice of variation if they wish to use 2300-2302MHz.

Congratulations to the winners and runners up in all the sections, who will receive certificates, as follows:


Leading Club  - Ossett ARO

Runner up Club - Harwell ARS

Winner, Open Section  - G8OHM

Runner up, Open Section - G4BRK

Winner, Restricted Section - G8SFI(/P)

Runner up, Restricted Section - G8CUL

Leading Station running <=25W to a single antenna - G8DTF


Leading Club  - Bolton Wireless Club

Runner up Club - Harwell ARS

Winner, Open Section  - G4LDR

Runner up, Open Section - G4BRK

Winner, Restricted Section -M0GHZ

Runner up, Restricted Section - M0UFC/P


Leading Club  - Bolton Wireless Club

Runner up Club - Trowbridge & DARC

Winner, Open Section  - G4LDR

Runner up, Open Section - G8GDZ

Winner, Restricted Section - M0GHZ

Runner up, Restricted Section - M0UFC/P

Leading Intermediate Station - 2E0NNX


Leading Club  - Cheltenham ARA

Runner up Club -Bolton Wireless Club

Winner, Open Section  - G4BAO

Runner up, Open Section - G4LDR

Winner, Restricted Section - G4ODA

Runner up, Restricted Section - M0GHZ

Leading Intermediate Station - 2E0NNX

The first session of the SHF UKAC for 2016 takes place on Tuesday 26th January from 20:00 to 22:30 local time on 3.4/5.7/10GHz and 20:30 to 22:30 on 2.3GHz.


John G3XDY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC  SHF UKAC