
RSGB Contest Results 2019   
v4.146 by G4CLA

SHF UKAC November 2019

Activity was a little lower than usual according to reports, and conditions unexceptional for this session. An increasing number of stations are sharing equipment with colleagues to boost their club scores, across all the bands.

Annual Summary

68 stations entered on 2.3GHz this year (up 6), with 36 on 10GHz (down 4). On 3.4GHz numbers increased from 23 to 28 and on 5.7GHz decreased from 29 to 25.

For 2020 the timings for all bands will be harmonised to run 1930 - 2230 local time. This means that entrants must take extra care to ensure they do not cause any interference to the primary user during daylight hours. More guidance will be included in the 2020 rules.

The use of square root normalisation has not attracted any comments, but has helped some of the bigger groups amass large club scores using relatively simple equipment with judicious use of equipment sharing.

Stations wishing to take part in the 2.3GHz events are reminded that they must register their station with Ofcom, and also hold the relevant notice of variation if they wish to use 2300-2302MHz.

Congratulations to the winners and runners up in all the sections, who will receive certificates, as follows:


Leading General Club  - 807 ARO

Runner up General Club - Drowned Rats RG

Leading Local Club -  Hereford ARS

Runner Up Local Club - Parallel Lines CG

Winner, Open Section  - G4CLA

Runner up, Open Section - G4ODA

Winner, Restricted Section - G3UVR

Runner up, Restricted Section - G8PNN

Leading Intermediate Station - 2E0MDJ(/P)

Leading Overseas Station - PE1EWR


Leading General Club  - 807 ARO

Runner up General Club - Spalding & DARS

Leading Local Club  - Parallel Lines CG

Runner up Local Club - Trowbridge & DARC

Winner, Open Section  - G4CLA

Runner up, Open Section - G3ZUD

Winner, Restricted Section -G4ODA

Runner up, Restricted Section - M0GHZ

Leading Intermediate Station - 2E0MDJ/P


Leading General Club  - 807 ARO

Runner Up General Club - Spalding & DARS

Leading Local Club  - Hereford ARS

Runner up Local Club - Parallel Lines CG

Winner, Open Section  - G4LDR

Winner, Restricted Section - G4CLA

Runner up, Restricted Section - G4ODA

Leading Intermediate Station - 2E0MDJ/P


Leading General Club  - 807 ARO

Runner up General Club - Spalding & DARS

Leading Local Club  -  Hereford ARS

Runner up Local Club - Parallel Lines CG

Winner, Open Section  - G4DBN

Runner up, Open Section - G4LDR

Winner, Restricted Section - G4ODA

Runner up, Restricted Section - G4CLA

Leading Intermediate Station - 2E0MDJ/P

The first session of the SHF UKAC for 2020 takes place on Tuesday 28th  January from 19:30 to 22:30 local time.


John G3XDY

This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC  SHF UKAC