Claimed Scores 2009
  5762 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/09 70MHz UKAC
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
28/12/09 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
22/12/09 50MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(21 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 M6T JO02 162 72,402 447 OE2M 967 400 2x17el Thanks for QSOs. 73 Lada OK1ZH  
SF 2 DF6MU JN58 114 31,721 278 PA6NL 692 250 11 ele Hybrid Q  
6O 3 G0FBB jo01 80 28,515 356 DL0XM 846 400 2x17 Beer at the Cock Inn, Luddesdown, excellent. Propagation average.  
6S 4 G4ZTR JO01 72 28,310 393 DK6AS IN JN59 768 200w 16 ele JXX hard going !  
SF 5 G0JJG JO02 50 21,419 428 DK6AS 772 300 11 ele F9FT Average condx, local sproggy wandering round band made rx tricky here at times!
6O 6 G3CWI/P IO93 57 20,875 366 TM0W 925 60W SB5, 5 ele @ 4m First go. Heard OM3RLA several times (QRB >1,500km). MS pings strong on Sunday mng. Thanks all!
6S 7 GM4AFF IO86 26 15,572 599 DK2ZF/P 871 300w 17ele Tonna    
SF 8 G3LET IO91 51 14,039 275 DM5C 680 100W Log P FT225RD + NAG
6S 9 G3TCU IO91 42 10,314 246 TM0W 706 400 9 ele Tonna My first MMC, enjoyable but high noise to the east
SF 10 GM4CXM IO75 26 10,202 392 PC5M 808 200 9el Flat conditions and pretty hard going.
SF 11 DK5EQ JO31 46 8,902 194 G7RAU 610 100 11 element homebrew equipment  
SF 12 G3RLE IO83 20 4,901 245 F6HPP/P 615 100 5 El Yagi  
6O 13 M1EYP/P IO83 27 4,838 179 F6HPP/P 569 5 SB3 (3Y) Good fun. Need better site for next year.
6S 14 G0TPH IO92 12 4,342 362 DR0A 808 25w 9-ele yagi    
6S 15 G4RQI IO93 20 4,099 205 DF0MU 603 100 10ELE Freezing in the garage
6S 16 G4XPE IO92 17 3,719 219 F6HPP/P 518 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
SF 17 G4RYV IO91 19 3,715 196 DF0MU 563 10W 9 ele F9FT Tonna A real Test this one! Hi Hi. Conditions poor very noisey.
6O 18 GM4VVX/P IO78 8 3,141 393 G4ZTR 757 300w 9 ele f9ft 6hrs at -5c, scoring rate 1.3 qso per liter of petrol in geni' .. I must be mad ?
6S 19 G8JXV IO91 6 1,047 174 F6HPP/P 324 100 9 el    
O 20 G7HOA/A IO83 9 226 25 M1EYP/P 52 10W 3 ELE BEAM    
6S 21 G3ZOD IO83 7 179 26 G4HGI 40 5 Indoor 5/8 whip    

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