Claimed Scores 2010
  6849 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
28/12/10 50MHz UKAC
21/12/10 UHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(22 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 DM5D JO61 404 138,557 343 E77CFG 858 700 8x10el / 2x17el John, G4ZTR was the only one from UK into our log. I missed the common
SF 2 DF0TX JO43 191 71,215 373 HA2R 886 700 1x7ele Op. was DL1XAQ. I Love the MMC, but where are the G stations?Next time guys u must turn more to the east to JO43 :-) Best DX to G to G7RAU.  
6S 3 G4ZTR JO01 71 28,090 396 DM5D IN JO61 857 250w 16 ele JXX Poor conditions and difficult to attract attention from overseas  
6O 4 G3XBY/P IO81 59 22,765 386 EA2TO/1 895 400 2 x 17el F9FT Conditions were flat. QSB and strong meteor pings made life difficult. No close stations made receiving a joy. Many thanks for all the QSOs
SF 5 G0JJG JO02 50 19,211 384 HB9FAP 807 250 11 ele F9FT Poor condx, low UK activity, hard work as most continentals beaming east. Thanks for all contacts.
6O 6 G3NYY/P IO92 47 14,180 302 DF0CI IN JO51 837 50 Jaybeam 5 over 5 slot-fed yagi Tropo condx slightly enhanced on Sat: flat on Sunday. Some interesting DX hrd in short MS bursts. Vy low UK activity.  
6S 7 G4ASR IO81 43 13,136 305 DK0BN 784 400W 4 x 9-el Really poor conditions. A right slog.....
6S 8 G3TCU IO91 33 8,222 249 TM0W 706 400 9 ele Tonna Low UK activity and poor condx
6S 9 GW8IZR IO73 20 7,536 377 DF0MU 797 400 9Y IZR MFST Enjoyed contest, 6 hours S&P on a Sunday morning. Little DX but nice to work old friends.  
SF 10 G4HGI IO83 29 7,096 245 PC5M 585 25 12 ele i0jxx activity and condx pretty poor only in s& p mode
6S 11 G4BRK IO91 19 6,453 340 DK0BN 670 50 9 el DK7ZB No DX and few locals. Disappointing.  
SF 12 G4RYV IO91 28 6,278 224 DK0BN 624 10 9ele F9FT Tonna poor conditions, very noisey at times, at least had a go  
6O 13 GW4ERW/P IO72 21 5,737 273 PA6NL 604 50 9 ELE TONNA Good WX. Poor conditions. Low activity.
6S 14 G0TPH IO92 16 5,322 333 DK0BN 696 25w 9-ele Low activity. I must have picked the wrong 6 hours. I managed a QRZ from TM0W at 850k but no QSO.
6S 15 G3RLE IO83 22 4,390 200 PA6NL 463 100 11 el yagi  
6S 16 G3VYI IO91 8 2,588 324 DK2GZ 703 22W 9 el F9FT NEW !! JUST TRYING NEW ANT HERE!
6S 17 G4XPE IO92 10 2,083 208 F6DWG/P 461 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
6S 18 GM4PPT IO75 5 1,783 357 G3XBY/P 456 300 2 x 12ele Dire conditions, I started at about 1530 and gave up after about 45 minutes.
SF 19 GM4VVX IO78 2 934 467 GW8IZR 524 400w 10 ele yagi Worst ever rf condx ! 21 hours before 1st callsign heard. Determined not to be beaten & got 2 qso by the end.
6S 20 M0COP IO82 6 496 83 G3XBY/P 159 100 HALO  
6S 21 G3ZOD IO83 6 283 47 GW8IZR 150 5 Indoor dipole    
6S 22 M0CES IO93 1 274 274 G7RAU 274 50W Colinear  

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