Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(21 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
6S 1 G3MEH IO91 83 30,730 370 HB9FAP 870 400 2 x 9el    
6S 2 G4ZTR JO01 67 30,005 448 OL4A 887 200w 2 x 12 el M*2 Hard going, not enough power to attract long dx ! Still, a better score than last year.  
SF 3 G0JJG JO02 66 24,457 371 DM7A 855 300 11 ele F9FT Enjoyable contest!
O 4 G4TSW IO80 47 17,261 367 TM0W 851 150w 16ele Enjoyed the first 6hrs so much, we came back to the club for more on Sunday. Maybe an *AFS element* might help the low UK nbrs next year ?
6S 5 GM4AFF IO86 18 13,122 729 DL0VB 882 400 17 element Tonna @ 15m    
6S 6 G3TCU IO91 40 10,014 250 TM0W 706 400 9 ele Good opportunity to work some new squares but many signals extremely weak.
6S 7 G4BRK IO91 20 7,015 351 TM0W 779 50 9 el DK7ZB Hrd a few more PA/DL but they didn't hear me. So many sent me 599 but couldn't copy my details - weird.  
6S 8 G3LET IO91 25 6,020 241 TM0W 675 100w Log P @ 18m Not a lot of UK activity!
6S 9 G4HGI IO83 22 5,952 271 DF0MU 689 350 12 I0JXX Sporadic Periods of S&P Thanks to all
6S 10 G0TPH IO92 19 5,395 284   0 25w 9-ele TM0W was a good signal at 850km but was not able to hear my little signal.
SF 11 G3RLE IO83 22 4,887 222 F5SE/P 641 100 11 el yagi  
6O 12 GM4GUF/P IO85 12 3,793 316 G4RRA 538 15 HB9CV Blimy, struggled to be heard! Perseverance award goes to G3TCU:) Patience award to Mel the Greyhound. Tinto hill 711m asl. op time 2hrs.  
6S 13 G3VYI IO91 11 3,306 301 TM0W 717 50w 9 el nice to work some eu cw dx!
6S 14 G4RYV IO91 12 2,969 247 DF0MU 563 10W 9 ele Tonna Pity about the lack of UK stations. 73
SF 15 G4HHJ IO91 8 2,661 333 TM0W 736 110 11 ele  
6S 16 G4XPE IO92 11 2,116 192 F5SE/P 546 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
SF 17 GM4VVX IO78 4 961 240 GM3PMB 293 400w 10 18 hr. qrv listening to white noise ! A special THANK YOU to those who came on to give me a few points.
SF 18 G6TGO IO83 5 756 151 ON4WY 439 80 5 ELE YAGI Very poor activity and I smudged my log page with tea!
6O 19 G3ZOD/P IO93 5 212 42 G4HGI 61 5 5/8 whip    
SF 20 GM4DIJ IO85 2 96 48 MM3T 53 50 9 ele Flat -didn't hear much GM3PMB gotaway
6S 21 M0PNA/P IO92 1 47 47 G4JGH 47 5 5/8 whip Called into work Sunday. Next year!!!

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