Claimed Scores 2012
  8524 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
18/12/12 1.3GHz UKAC
11/12/12 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(17 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4ZTR JO01 87 33,082 380 DF0MTL 826 400 16 ele I0JXX poor tropo, low G activity, static rain on Sunday. 2 x OK heard, but 400w did not even get a qrz.  
O 2 G4TSW IO80 89 32,433 364 TM0W 851 400 2x17el + 2x17el  
6S 3 G3MEH IO91 53 19,059 360 DK6AS 866 400 2 x 9el Poor conditions, S9 QRN from rain for nearly two hours Sunday morning made all but the strongest signals difficult to copy.
SF 4 G0JJG JO02 47 15,021 320 HB9FAP 806 250 11ele F9FT Bad rain static on Sunday (9+) and poor condx.
6S 5 G4HGI IO83 39 11,063 284 TM9FT 655 200 12 ELE I0JXX Tropo not so good from here - super ms reflections on Sat PM many got aways ! thanks to all
SF 6 G3TCU IO91 53 10,236 193 TM0W 706 400 9 ele Poor conditions
SF 7 GM4PPT IO75 25 8,570 343 G7RAU 565 350 2x 12 ele  
SF 8 G0HGH IO92 30 7,746 258 DM5C 651 90 11 ele Tonna  
6O 9 M0BPQ IO91 25 6,669 267 DK6AS 829 100 9 el very part time entry!  
6S 10 M5O IO91 31 6,363 205 TM0W 675 100 7 ZL Pretty dire.
6S 11 G3LET IO91 31 6,363 205 TM0W 675 100 7 ZL Please see M5O. Robot doesn't seem to allow deletions!
6S 12 GM4AFF IO86 7 5,132 733 DF0MU 819 400 17ele Tonna    
6S 13 G3VYI IO91 14 2,973 212 F6KDL/P 680 50w 9 el yagi thanks all points , good ears for my 50w
6S 14 G4BRK IO91 11 2,414 219 PC5M 457 50 9 el DK7ZB 2h on Sunday morning, poor condx  
6S 15 G4RYV IO91 12 1,821 152 GM4PPT 515 10W 9 ele F9FT Tonna Poor Conditions and Deep QSB
SF 16 G0CDA IO83 5 876 175 G4TSW 288 25 11Y Cushcraft Very quiet up here when I did listen  
SF 17 GM4VVX IO78 4 536 134 GM4PPT 288 400w 10 ele Condx abysmal. I am too far out on the fringe. Worked ALL copied. 4 x QSOs for 12 hours at the rig = need my head examining

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