Claimed Scores 2013
  9614 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
17/12/13 1.3GHz UKAC
10/12/13 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(26 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4DHF IO92 98 35,762 365 DF0YY 872 400W 4x11 yagi Gale force winds, heavy static rain, deteriorating cndx and low activity. Some glimpses of DX among the QSB, great fun finding them. Well done to all participants!
O 2 G4TSW IO80 74 27,060 366 TM0W 851 400 17+17ele Poor tropo condx, made worse by S9+ static rain & power-line noise, made it difficult, but we still enjoyed this 24hr event. Sorry to those we didn't complete with, but we hope to be on during Tuesday's UKAC.
O 3 G0HGH/P IO92 80 25,948 324 DK9IP 759 400 4 X 12 ele Vy high winds over night so lowered mast. tnx to Bob, G1ZJP, for putting on station and taking care of safety in storm. Poor condx but fun
SF 4 G4ZTR JO01 70 24,843 355 DF0YY 797 400w 12 ele I0JXX Poor ! See blog at  
6S 5 G3MEH IO91 58 17,640 304 TM0W 752 400 2 x 9el  
SF 6 G0JJG JO02 53 17,339 327 F6ETI/P 730 300 11 ele Enjoyable but poor condx/wx.
SF 7 G3TCU IO91 48 9,175 191 TM0W 706 400 9 ele Poor conditions to Europe and low UK activity, slow going.
6S 8 G3Z IO82 30 7,355 245 DF0MU 670 80 8 ele yagi Lots deep QSB. Some excellent "F" stations all 24 hrs. Almost nil activity heard north of Stafford, compared to lots for UKAC  
SF 9 M0BTZ IO90 23 4,228 184 DF0MU 618 150W 9ele F9FT in loft space (Stealth) Flat condx. My first solo Marconi effort, big achievement for me. Tnx all for QSO's!Practising CW here. Hrd DK4A-too weak wid my poor ant.
SF 10 M5MUF IO92 16 3,899 244 DF0MU 580 25 10 el Yagi Dire condxns, worse activity. Where was the North? I shouldn't send CW before my 1st coffee - well done G3MEH for deciphering the gibberish!
SF 11 G4RYV IO91 21 3,891 185 DF0MU 563 10W 9ele F9FT Tonna Very poor conditions with deep QSB. shame about low level of activity. On a happy note made 9 more contacts than last year! Good live CW practise hi hi . 73
6S 12 G3VYI IO91 22 3,849 175 DF0MU 567 50w 9 el part time only, thanks to all for points, great to work EI!
6S 13 G4BRK IO91 17 3,682 217 DF0MU 597 50 9 el DK7ZB Worked all I heard except TM0W. No activity to N, very little elsewhere.  
6S 14 G3UVR IO83 14 3,609 258 ON7RY/P 592 25w Dipole Rotatabl Poor conditions. Would like to have heard more UK stations. Interesting to see what I could would on poor setup.
6S 15 GM4PPT IO75 9 3,446 383 G4TSW 509 400 4x9 ele Tonna Pro-XL Very poor conditions,kept antennas in low position due high winds, I worked all I heard bar G3TCU.
SF 16 G3HEJ IO91 26 2,970 114 F6HPP/P 364 50 w 3 ft Car-antenna in bungalow roofspace  
SF 17 M0SJB JO03 12 2,966 247 F6HPP/P 479 10 5 ele ZL Special Enjoyable to work some CW. Worked all I heard, antenna was poor.  
SF 18 G3RLE IO83 12 2,297 191 F6DWG/P 505 100 5 el  
6S 19 G4XPE IO92 12 1,898 158 F6DWG/P 409 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi Appalling conditions! Sincere thanks to all those who persevered so hard and long to get me in their logs.  
6S 20 G4HHJ IO91 9 1,766 196 DL4YR 493 50 11 ele Two op sessions op of less than 1hr and less than 30min, so not good!
SF 21 M0HAZ JO03 6 1,441 240 F6HPP/P 479 10 5 ele ZL Special Worked all I heard on Saturday with a poorly antenna. Thanks all QSOs  
SF 22 GJ7DNI IN89 3 1,431 477 TM0W 677 100 9 el yagi  
O 23 GM4VVX/P IO78 5 824 165 GM4PPT 293 100w 17 ele yagi QRV 18hr for 5 x QSO. Not worth going /P to sit in rain, snow & wind. Many Thanks to those who called me to relieve the boredom
6S 24 G4YHF IO92 1 646 646 DM5C 646 100 9el :-)  
6S 25 G3YHF IO92 5 634 127 G4TSW 203 5 hb9cv  
6S 26 M1CDL IO92 1 33 33 G0HGH/P 33 50 Vertical Only 1 station heard.

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