Claimed Scores 2014
  9981 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
30/12/14 70MHz UKAC
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
16/12/14 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4ZTR JO01 107 46,330 433 OL90OK 887 400w 2 x 12 ele Drat, must try harder, only four OK's in the log !  
SF 2 G4DHF IO92 119 43,562 366 HB9FAP 920 400W 4x11 Yagi Really hard going. Called OL7C for some time but failed to make myself heard! HB9FAP audible throughout the c'test. Thanks to all for the points. Now, where's my G&T? :)
6S 3 G3MEH IO91 81 26,083 322 HB9FAP 870 400 2 x 9el M2  
O 4 G3TCU/P IO91 72 18,865 262 DK2ZF/P 748 400 9 ele Wimo Disappointing UK activity, flat conditions. Good to work lots of EU squares and lucky not to get drenched packing up!
SF 5 G0HGH IO92 64 17,237 269 DH1WM 709 90 11 ele lots of pings and fragments of calls. Enjoyable but did't do very well. Thanks for all qso's.
6S 6 G0JJG JO02 45 16,018 356 HB9FAP 806 400 11ele Only QRV on Saturday - missed quite a few more after the 6 hours were up.
6S 7 G4HGI IO83 39 11,909 305 TM0W 986 400 12 ELE I0JXX Slow going..thanks to all for points
6S 8 G4OTV JO01 31 7,658 247 HB9FAP 780 50 7 ele Yagi  
O 9 G4C JO01 31 6,324 204 TM0W 689 200W 6 element    
SF 10 G0OOG IO91 24 5,840 243 TM0W 730 5watts 6 element LFA Band conditions better than expected. Wx major problem Sunday Frustrated with QRP at times heard HB9FAP and several DL/DK stations.
6S 11 G4BRK IO91 18 4,927 274 TM0W 779 50 9 el DK7ZB Usual best DX for this one, condx nothing special.  
SF 12 GM4IGS IO75 11 3,702 337 G3TCU/P 549 50 17 ELE YAGI Conditions very poor. No continentals heard. Could not raise G4HGI & missed G3RLE due to QRM. GM4VVX & GM4ODA/P were on from the North. 73's
SF 13 GW0IRW IO72 11 3,164 288 F5UBH 449 160w 9ele M2 +LNA Worked everyone I heard except G4C, difficult QSB and 4 contacts incomplete... Thanks to all those that beamed towards 72# Regards, Nigel
6S 14 G4XPE IO92 12 2,600 217 F6DWG/P 471 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
6S 15 G4RYV IO91 14 2,389 171 EI3KD 516 10W 9 ele f9ft tonna A token attempt! Hard going with poor conditions and lots of local noise.Disappointed with level of activity. 73 all
6S 16 G3RLE IO83 10 1,590 159 F6DWG/P 568 100 5 El Yagi  
6O 17 G3TJE/P IO81 6 1,293 216 G0JJG 271 50W 4el Yagi Only 1 hour ops en route to Bath. Poor radio condx and very windy!
SF 18 GM4VVX IO78 5 1,183 237 GM4IGS 279 400w 10 ele Heard CQ in 1st 15 min but never again. 5 x QSOs for 17 hr at rig. I can only take so much white noise. Guys in white coats now at my door
6S 19 G3ZOD IO83 8 904 113   0 50 Indoor dipole    
6S 20 2E0BMO IO83 2 60 30 G3ZOD 46 40 V2000 Just a token effort to get some practice and amid the decorating chaos.

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