Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(32 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8T JO01 342 193,176 565 OM3RBS 1329 400 2x10 + 2x10 Lots of wind and rain didn't stop us getting two antenna systems up. Some moderate tropo over night and sunday morning to OK, OL, OE and SP.
SF 2 G7RAU IO90 203 132,622 653 OM6A 1449 400 12el M2 only on Sun, gales Sat! Some tropo at times. Tnx all qso.  
6S 3 G3MEH IO91 133 71,420 537 OM2DT 1319 400 2 x 9el M2 Station operated by Jeremy G3XZG
SF 4 G0JJG JO02 111 62,110 560 OM6A 1299 400 8 ele Planned six hour entry as XYL working nights, conditions changed that - poor Saturday, great on Sunday. Unable to turn ant while xyl asleep!
6S 5 G4ZTR JO01 79 58,404 739 HA6W 1459 400w 9 el G4CQM That was fun! Went chasing DX and the contest numbers were of secondary importance.  
6S 6 G4RGK IO91 96 55,812 581 OM6A 1413 350 15 h/brew yagi Good condx to the east, very little G activity.
SF 7 G0HGH IO92 99 44,645 451 OK1KKI 1135 350 11 ele best condx on Sunday. Tnx fer all points and sri to thosee I missed
6S 8 G4HGI IO83 64 33,528 524 OK7O 1167 400 12 ELE I0JXX Spent too long trying to work OM3W in JN99..failed in the end :-( tnx to all - some ropey cw out there incl me ! More practice needed here
6S 9 G4BRK IO91 40 27,086 677 OM6A 1453 50 9 el DK7ZB Great condx and activity from Eu - CW really works! Not many from G. 80mins of electrical QRM at peak of condx the only downside.  
SF 10 G4DBN IO93 32 24,631 770 OE5D 1170 200 9ele LFA Having fun and DXing, not a serious attempt, house full of visitors.
6O 11 G3TCU/P IO91 52 18,883 363 OL90IARU 984 400 9 ele Wimo Good signals from the East in the morning. A bit wet & windy, ant at only 6m.
6S 12 GM4AFF IO86 28 16,093 575 DA0FF 1071 350 17ele Tonna Pro Very frustrating not being able to work some real DX (OL7C, etc) after my 6 hours had expired.  
SF 13 G0OOG IO91 38 13,692 360 OL7C 936 20w 6 el LFA  
6S 14 G4XPE IO92 29 11,967 413 OL7C 1019 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-element Yagi    
6O 15 M1EYP/P IO83 32 11,403 356 OL90IARU 1107 5w SOTAbeams SB5 - 5Y Rather flat on the Saturday with very low UK activity. Better UK levels on the Sunday, and some lift condx into Central EU. SOTA G/SP-015.
6O 16 G0MCV IO92 23 8,162 355 OL3Y 1039 50 beam  
SF 17 G3YHF IO92 15 8,158 544 OL3Y 1081 50 3 ele yagi pleased to see what distances I could work with modest cw station under poor condx. must do more 144mhz cw!
SF 18 GM4PPT IO75 25 8,049 322 G8T 572 400 2x 12 ele M2 Dire conditions all weekend, WX howling gale & torrential rain. Tried hard on Sat but gave up on Sunday. Only UK's worked.
SF 19 G4MKR IO92 24 8,008 334 OL90IARU 964 50 5 Ele LFA Yagi  
SF 20 GM4VVX IO78 15 7,695 513 SM7KWU 1222 400w 10 ele Frustrating Au for 3 hr. but most CW filters too narrow for Au Doppler. No tropo duct for me so a patient struggle. But I Was There !
6S 21 G3VYI IO91 20 5,792 290 DK2GZ 700 50 9EL No sunday, just saturday pm
6S 22 G4BVY IO82 10 5,519 552 DQ7A 1012 25 HB9CV    
SF 23 GW0IRW IO72 19 4,405 232 F8KIH 420 200w 9ele + 9ele Few signals getting down into the valley :O( Worked everyone I heard except DA0FF, G0JJG & GM4PPT who appeared briefly via back-scatter.
6S 24 G4RYV IO91 13 3,509 270 DL2OM 590 10W 9 ele Tonna Its an ill Wind! Power outage due to fallen trees Sat, Local power restored Sunday by Mobile Generator. Operation restricted to last 3Hrs
6S 25 G3UVR IO83 9 3,467 385 DK6AS 1071 25w Dipole Rotatabl Not many south east uk stations beaming up to the north west.
SF 26 G0CDA IO83 7 2,025 289 F6DWG/P 557 20w 11 ele Cushcraft Worked what I could hear at this low QTH on Saturday which was not much! Maybe should have waited until Sunday?  
6S 27 G0VOF IO83 7 1,549 221 G7RAU 348 50 5 el Yagi Only on for a short time on Sunday.Very quiet in IO83, must have been like the grave further North! Tks es 73 Mark.
6S 28 G0LRD JO02 7 1,221 174 DA0FF 713 30W Vertical co-linear 2x 5/8ths Just dipping in and out. Will try to organise myself to enter more seriously next year.
6S 29 OE1EBC JN88 6 647 108 OM6A 205 5 6/8 wl vertical Just some 1.5 hours Saturday evening fun with "household equipment" normally used for chat on the local repeater. I thoroughly enjoyed it.  
6S 30 OK1RP JO60 8 396 50 OL7C 83 3 1/4wl vertical It was fun to play with FT817ND into 1/4wl whip on magnetic base in the attic. Interresting to check the reception performance of the big guns. Unfortunatelly I did not catched DA0FF, OM8A even although I tried them more then 45mins...See you next year with real antenna and power.  
6S 31 GM4DIJ/A IO74 1 359 359 GM4VVX 359 2 HB9CV Heard G8TA , G0HGH,G3TCU/P, GM4PPT Abandoned idea to go /P due to severe weather. /A from 5m asl.
SF 32 GM4IGS IO75 2 291 146 GM4VVX 274 50 4 ele indoors! Very bad QRN on Saturday, clear on Sunday. 73's Mike

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